Interface PublicKeyCredentialEntity

    • Method Detail

      • getName

        java.lang.String getName()
        A human-palatable name for the entity. Its function depends on what the PublicKeyCredentialEntity represents:
        • When inherited by PublicKeyCredentialRpEntity it is a human-palatable identifier for the Relying Party, intended only for display. For example, "ACME Corporation", "Wonderful Widgets, Inc." or "ОАО Примертех".
          • Relying Parties SHOULD perform enforcement, as prescribed in Section 2.3 of [RFC8266] for the Nickname Profile of the PRECIS FreeformClass [RFC8264], when setting name's value, or displaying the value to the user.
          • Clients SHOULD perform enforcement, as prescribed in Section 2.3 of [RFC8266] for the Nickname Profile of the PRECIS FreeformClass [RFC8264], on name's value prior to displaying the value to the user or including the value as a parameter of the authenticatorMakeCredential operation.
        • When inherited by PublicKeyCredentialUserEntity, it is a human-palatable identifier for a user account. It is intended only for display, i.e., aiding the user in determining the difference between user accounts with similar displayNames. For example, "alexm", "" or "+14255551234".
          • The Relying Party MAY let the user choose this value. The Relying Party SHOULD perform enforcement, as prescribed in Section 3.4.3 of [RFC8265] for the UsernameCasePreserved Profile of the PRECIS IdentifierClass [RFC8264], when setting name's value, or displaying the value to the user.
          • Clients SHOULD perform enforcement, as prescribed in Section 3.4.3 of [RFC8265] for the UsernameCasePreserved Profile of the PRECIS IdentifierClass [RFC8264], on name's value prior to displaying the value to the user or including the value as a parameter of the authenticatorMakeCredential operation.

        When clients, client platforms, or authenticators display a name's value, they should always use UI elements to provide a clear boundary around the displayed value, and not allow overflow into other elements.

        Authenticators MUST accept and store a 64-byte minimum length for a name member’s value. Authenticators MAY truncate a name member’s value to a length equal to or greater than 64 bytes.

        See Also:
        RFC 8264, RFC 8265
      • getIcon

        java.util.Optional<> getIcon()
        The icon field has been removed from WebAuthn Level 2. This method will be removed in the next major version of this library.
        A serialized URL which resolves to an image associated with the entity.

        For example, this could be a user's avatar or a Relying Party's logo. This URL MUST be an a priori authenticated URL. Authenticators MUST accept and store a 128-byte minimum length for an icon member's value. Authenticators MAY ignore an icon member's value if its length is greater than 128 bytes. The URL's scheme MAY be "data" to avoid fetches of the URL, at the cost of needing more storage.