Source code for yubikit.piv

# Copyright (c) 2020 Yubico AB
# All rights reserved.
#   Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or
#   without modification, are permitted provided that the following
#   conditions are met:
#    1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
#       notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
#    2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
#       copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
#       disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided
#       with the distribution.

from .core import (
    require_version as _require_version,
from .core.smartcard import (

from cryptography import x509
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import hashes
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.ciphers import Cipher, algorithms, modes
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.constant_time import bytes_eq
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization import (
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric import rsa, ec, ed25519, x25519
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.padding import AsymmetricPadding
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.utils import Prehashed
from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend

from dataclasses import dataclass
from enum import Enum, IntEnum, unique
from typing import Optional, Union, Type, cast, overload

import warnings
import logging
import gzip
import os
import re

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] @unique class ALGORITHM(str, Enum): EC = "ec" RSA = "rsa"
# Don't treat pre 1.0 versions as "developer builds".
[docs] def require_version(my_version: Version, *args, **kwargs): if my_version <= (0, 1, 4): # Last pre 1.0 release of ykneo-piv my_version = Version(1, 0, 0) _require_version(my_version, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] @unique class KEY_TYPE(IntEnum): RSA1024 = 0x06 RSA2048 = 0x07 RSA3072 = 0x05 RSA4096 = 0x16 ECCP256 = 0x11 ECCP384 = 0x14 ED25519 = 0xE0 X25519 = 0xE1 def __str__(self): return @property def algorithm(self): return ALGORITHM.RSA if"RSA") else ALGORITHM.EC @property def bit_len(self): if self in (KEY_TYPE.ED25519, KEY_TYPE.X25519): return 256 match ="\d+$", if match: return int( raise ValueError("No bit_len")
[docs] @classmethod def from_public_key(cls, key): if isinstance(key, rsa.RSAPublicKey): try: return getattr(cls, "RSA%d" % key.key_size) except AttributeError: raise ValueError("Unsupported RSA key size: %d" % key.key_size) elif isinstance(key, ec.EllipticCurvePublicKey): curve_name = if curve_name == "secp256r1": return cls.ECCP256 elif curve_name == "secp384r1": return cls.ECCP384 raise ValueError(f"Unsupported EC curve: {curve_name}") elif isinstance(key, ed25519.Ed25519PublicKey): return cls.ED25519 elif isinstance(key, x25519.X25519PublicKey): return cls.X25519 raise ValueError(f"Unsupported key type: {type(key).__name__}")
[docs] @unique class MANAGEMENT_KEY_TYPE(IntEnum): TDES = 0x03 AES128 = 0x08 AES192 = 0x0A AES256 = 0x0C @property def key_len(self): if == "TDES": return 24 # AES return int([3:]) // 8 @property def challenge_len(self): if == "TDES": return 8 return 16
def _parse_management_key(key_type, management_key): if key_type == MANAGEMENT_KEY_TYPE.TDES: return algorithms.TripleDES(management_key) else: return algorithms.AES(management_key) # The following slots are special, we don't include it in SLOT below SLOT_CARD_MANAGEMENT = 0x9B SLOT_OCC_AUTH = 0x96
[docs] @unique class SLOT(IntEnum): AUTHENTICATION = 0x9A SIGNATURE = 0x9C KEY_MANAGEMENT = 0x9D CARD_AUTH = 0x9E RETIRED1 = 0x82 RETIRED2 = 0x83 RETIRED3 = 0x84 RETIRED4 = 0x85 RETIRED5 = 0x86 RETIRED6 = 0x87 RETIRED7 = 0x88 RETIRED8 = 0x89 RETIRED9 = 0x8A RETIRED10 = 0x8B RETIRED11 = 0x8C RETIRED12 = 0x8D RETIRED13 = 0x8E RETIRED14 = 0x8F RETIRED15 = 0x90 RETIRED16 = 0x91 RETIRED17 = 0x92 RETIRED18 = 0x93 RETIRED19 = 0x94 RETIRED20 = 0x95 ATTESTATION = 0xF9 def __str__(self) -> str: return f"{int(self):02X} ({})"
[docs] @unique class OBJECT_ID(IntEnum): CAPABILITY = 0x5FC107 CHUID = 0x5FC102 AUTHENTICATION = 0x5FC105 # cert for 9a key FINGERPRINTS = 0x5FC103 SECURITY = 0x5FC106 FACIAL = 0x5FC108 PRINTED = 0x5FC109 SIGNATURE = 0x5FC10A # cert for 9c key KEY_MANAGEMENT = 0x5FC10B # cert for 9d key CARD_AUTH = 0x5FC101 # cert for 9e key DISCOVERY = 0x7E KEY_HISTORY = 0x5FC10C IRIS = 0x5FC121 RETIRED1 = 0x5FC10D RETIRED2 = 0x5FC10E RETIRED3 = 0x5FC10F RETIRED4 = 0x5FC110 RETIRED5 = 0x5FC111 RETIRED6 = 0x5FC112 RETIRED7 = 0x5FC113 RETIRED8 = 0x5FC114 RETIRED9 = 0x5FC115 RETIRED10 = 0x5FC116 RETIRED11 = 0x5FC117 RETIRED12 = 0x5FC118 RETIRED13 = 0x5FC119 RETIRED14 = 0x5FC11A RETIRED15 = 0x5FC11B RETIRED16 = 0x5FC11C RETIRED17 = 0x5FC11D RETIRED18 = 0x5FC11E RETIRED19 = 0x5FC11F RETIRED20 = 0x5FC120 ATTESTATION = 0x5FFF01
[docs] @classmethod def from_slot(cls, slot): return getattr(cls, SLOT(slot).name)
[docs] @unique class PIN_POLICY(IntEnum): DEFAULT = 0x0 NEVER = 0x1 ONCE = 0x2 ALWAYS = 0x3 MATCH_ONCE = 0x4 MATCH_ALWAYS = 0x5
[docs] @unique class TOUCH_POLICY(IntEnum): DEFAULT = 0x0 NEVER = 0x1 ALWAYS = 0x2 CACHED = 0x3
# 010203040506070801020304050607080102030405060708 DEFAULT_MANAGEMENT_KEY = ( b"\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07\x08" + b"\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07\x08" + b"\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07\x08" ) PIN_LEN = 8 TEMPORARY_PIN_LEN = 16 # Instruction set INS_VERIFY = 0x20 INS_CHANGE_REFERENCE = 0x24 INS_RESET_RETRY = 0x2C INS_GENERATE_ASYMMETRIC = 0x47 INS_AUTHENTICATE = 0x87 INS_GET_DATA = 0xCB INS_PUT_DATA = 0xDB INS_MOVE_KEY = 0xF6 INS_GET_METADATA = 0xF7 INS_ATTEST = 0xF9 INS_SET_PIN_RETRIES = 0xFA INS_RESET = 0xFB INS_GET_VERSION = 0xFD INS_IMPORT_KEY = 0xFE INS_SET_MGMKEY = 0xFF # Tags for parsing responses and preparing requests TAG_AUTH_WITNESS = 0x80 TAG_AUTH_CHALLENGE = 0x81 TAG_AUTH_RESPONSE = 0x82 TAG_AUTH_EXPONENTIATION = 0x85 TAG_GEN_ALGORITHM = 0x80 TAG_OBJ_DATA = 0x53 TAG_OBJ_ID = 0x5C TAG_CERTIFICATE = 0x70 TAG_CERT_INFO = 0x71 TAG_DYN_AUTH = 0x7C TAG_LRC = 0xFE TAG_PIN_POLICY = 0xAA TAG_TOUCH_POLICY = 0xAB # Metadata tags TAG_METADATA_ALGO = 0x01 TAG_METADATA_POLICY = 0x02 TAG_METADATA_ORIGIN = 0x03 TAG_METADATA_PUBLIC_KEY = 0x04 TAG_METADATA_IS_DEFAULT = 0x05 TAG_METADATA_RETRIES = 0x06 TAG_METADATA_BIO_CONFIGURED = 0x07 TAG_METADATA_TEMPORARY_PIN = 0x08 ORIGIN_GENERATED = 1 ORIGIN_IMPORTED = 2 INDEX_PIN_POLICY = 0 INDEX_TOUCH_POLICY = 1 INDEX_RETRIES_TOTAL = 0 INDEX_RETRIES_REMAINING = 1 PIN_P2 = 0x80 PUK_P2 = 0x81 UV_P2 = 0x96 def _pin_bytes(pin): pin = pin.encode() if len(pin) > PIN_LEN: raise ValueError("PIN/PUK must be no longer than 8 bytes") return pin.ljust(PIN_LEN, b"\xff") def _retries_from_sw(sw): if sw == SW.AUTH_METHOD_BLOCKED: return 0 if sw & 0xFFF0 == 0x63C0: return sw & 0x0F elif sw & 0xFF00 == 0x6300: return sw & 0xFF return None
[docs] @dataclass class PinMetadata: default_value: bool total_attempts: int attempts_remaining: int
[docs] @dataclass class ManagementKeyMetadata: key_type: MANAGEMENT_KEY_TYPE default_value: bool touch_policy: TOUCH_POLICY
[docs] @dataclass class SlotMetadata: key_type: KEY_TYPE pin_policy: PIN_POLICY touch_policy: TOUCH_POLICY generated: bool public_key_encoded: bytes @property def public_key(self): return _parse_device_public_key(self.key_type, self.public_key_encoded)
[docs] @dataclass class BioMetadata: configured: bool attempts_remaining: int temporary_pin: bool
def _pad_message(key_type, message, hash_algorithm, padding): if key_type in (KEY_TYPE.ED25519, KEY_TYPE.X25519): return message if key_type.algorithm == ALGORITHM.EC: if isinstance(hash_algorithm, Prehashed): hashed = message else: h = hashes.Hash(hash_algorithm, default_backend()) h.update(message) hashed = h.finalize() byte_len = key_type.bit_len // 8 if len(hashed) < byte_len: return hashed.rjust(byte_len // 8, b"\0") return hashed[:byte_len] elif key_type.algorithm == ALGORITHM.RSA: # Sign with a dummy key, then encrypt the signature to get the padded message e = 65537 dummy = rsa.generate_private_key(e, key_type.bit_len, default_backend()) signature = dummy.sign(message, padding, hash_algorithm) # Raw (textbook) RSA encrypt n = dummy.public_key().public_numbers().n return int2bytes(pow(bytes2int(signature), e, n), key_type.bit_len // 8) def _unpad_message(padded, padding): e = 65537 dummy = rsa.generate_private_key(e, len(padded) * 8, default_backend()) # Raw (textbook) RSA encrypt n = dummy.public_key().public_numbers().n encrypted = int2bytes(pow(bytes2int(padded), e, n), len(padded)) return dummy.decrypt(encrypted, padding)
[docs] def check_key_support( version: Version, key_type: KEY_TYPE, pin_policy: PIN_POLICY, touch_policy: TOUCH_POLICY, generate: bool = True, ) -> None: """Check if a key type is supported by a specific YubiKey firmware version. This method will return None if the key (with PIN and touch policies) is supported, or it will raise a NotSupportedError if it is not. :deprecated: Use PivSession.check_key_support() instead. """ warnings.warn( "Deprecated: use PivSession.check_key_support() instead.", DeprecationWarning, ) _do_check_key_support(version, key_type, pin_policy, touch_policy, generate)
def _do_check_key_support( version: Version, key_type: KEY_TYPE, pin_policy: PIN_POLICY, touch_policy: TOUCH_POLICY, generate: bool = True, fips_restrictions: bool = False, ) -> None: if version[0] == 0 and version > (0, 1, 3): return # Development build, skip version checks if version < (4, 0, 0): if key_type == KEY_TYPE.ECCP384: raise NotSupportedError("ECCP384 requires YubiKey 4 or later") if touch_policy != TOUCH_POLICY.DEFAULT or pin_policy != PIN_POLICY.DEFAULT: raise NotSupportedError("PIN/Touch policy requires YubiKey 4 or later") if version < (4, 3, 0) and touch_policy == TOUCH_POLICY.CACHED: raise NotSupportedError("Cached touch policy requires YubiKey 4.3 or later") # ROCA if (4, 2, 0) <= version < (4, 3, 5): if generate and key_type.algorithm == ALGORITHM.RSA: raise NotSupportedError("RSA key generation not supported on this YubiKey") # FIPS if fips_restrictions or (4, 4, 0) <= version < (4, 5, 0): if key_type in (KEY_TYPE.RSA1024, KEY_TYPE.X25519): raise NotSupportedError("RSA 1024 not supported on YubiKey FIPS") if pin_policy == PIN_POLICY.NEVER: raise NotSupportedError("PIN_POLICY.NEVER not allowed on YubiKey FIPS") # New key types if version < (5, 7, 0) and key_type in ( KEY_TYPE.RSA3072, KEY_TYPE.RSA4096, KEY_TYPE.ED25519, KEY_TYPE.X25519, ): raise NotSupportedError(f"{key_type} requires YubiKey 5.7 or later") def _parse_device_public_key(key_type, encoded): data = Tlv.parse_dict(encoded) if key_type.algorithm == ALGORITHM.RSA: modulus = bytes2int(data[0x81]) exponent = bytes2int(data[0x82]) return rsa.RSAPublicNumbers(exponent, modulus).public_key(default_backend()) elif key_type == KEY_TYPE.ED25519: return ed25519.Ed25519PublicKey.from_public_bytes(data[0x86]) elif key_type == KEY_TYPE.X25519: return x25519.X25519PublicKey.from_public_bytes(data[0x86]) else: if key_type == KEY_TYPE.ECCP256: curve: Type[ec.EllipticCurve] = ec.SECP256R1 else: curve = ec.SECP384R1 return ec.EllipticCurvePublicKey.from_encoded_point(curve(), data[0x86])
[docs] class PivSession: """A session with the PIV application.""" def __init__( self, connection: SmartCardConnection, scp_key_params: Optional[ScpKeyParams] = None, ): self.protocol = SmartCardProtocol(connection) if scp_key_params: self.protocol.init_scp(scp_key_params) logger.debug("Getting PIV version") self._version = Version.from_bytes( self.protocol.send_apdu(0, INS_GET_VERSION, 0, 0) ) self.protocol.configure(self.version) try: self._management_key_type = self.get_management_key_metadata().key_type except NotSupportedError: self._management_key_type = MANAGEMENT_KEY_TYPE.TDES self._current_pin_retries = 3 self._max_pin_retries = 3 logger.debug(f"PIV session initialized (version={self.version})") @property def version(self) -> Version: """The version of the PIV application, typically the same as the YubiKey firmware.""" return self._version @property def management_key_type(self) -> MANAGEMENT_KEY_TYPE: """The algorithm of the management key currently in use.""" return self._management_key_type
[docs] def reset(self) -> None: """Factory reset the PIV application data. This deletes all user-data from the PIV application, and resets the default values for PIN, PUK, and management key. """ logger.debug("Preparing PIV reset") try: if self.get_bio_metadata().configured: raise ValueError( "Cannot perform PIV reset when biometrics are configured" ) except NotSupportedError: pass # Block PIN logger.debug("Verify PIN with invalid attempts until blocked") counter = self.get_pin_attempts() while counter > 0: try: self.verify_pin("") except InvalidPinError as e: counter = e.attempts_remaining logger.debug("PIN is blocked") # Block PUK logger.debug("Verify PUK with invalid attempts until blocked") try: counter = self.get_puk_metadata().attempts_remaining except NotSupportedError: counter = 1 while counter > 0: try: self._change_reference(INS_RESET_RETRY, PIN_P2, "", "") except InvalidPinError as e: counter = e.attempts_remaining logger.debug("PUK is blocked") # Reset logger.debug("Sending reset") self.protocol.send_apdu(0, INS_RESET, 0, 0) self._current_pin_retries = 3 self._max_pin_retries = 3 # Update management key type try: self._management_key_type = self.get_management_key_metadata().key_type except NotSupportedError: self._management_key_type = MANAGEMENT_KEY_TYPE.TDES"PIV application data reset performed")
@overload def authenticate(self, management_key: bytes) -> None: ... @overload def authenticate( self, key_type: MANAGEMENT_KEY_TYPE, management_key: bytes ) -> None: ...
[docs] def authenticate(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None: """Authenticate to PIV with management key. :param bytes management_key: The management key in raw bytes. """ key_type = kwargs.get("key_type") management_key = kwargs.get("management_key") if len(args) == 2: key_type, management_key = args elif len(args) == 1: management_key = args[0] else: key_type = kwargs.get("key_type") management_key = kwargs.get("management_key") if key_type: warnings.warn( "Deprecated: call authenticate() without passing management_key_type.", DeprecationWarning, ) if self.management_key_type != key_type: raise ValueError("Incorrect management key type") if not isinstance(management_key, bytes): raise TypeError("management_key must be bytes") key_type = self.management_key_type logger.debug(f"Authenticating with key type: {key_type}") response = self.protocol.send_apdu( 0, INS_AUTHENTICATE, key_type, SLOT_CARD_MANAGEMENT, Tlv(TAG_DYN_AUTH, Tlv(TAG_AUTH_WITNESS)), ) witness = Tlv.unpack(TAG_AUTH_WITNESS, Tlv.unpack(TAG_DYN_AUTH, response)) challenge = os.urandom(key_type.challenge_len) backend = default_backend() cipher_key = _parse_management_key(key_type, management_key) cipher = Cipher(cipher_key, modes.ECB(), backend) # nosec decryptor = cipher.decryptor() decrypted = decryptor.update(witness) + decryptor.finalize() response = self.protocol.send_apdu( 0, INS_AUTHENTICATE, key_type, SLOT_CARD_MANAGEMENT, Tlv( TAG_DYN_AUTH, Tlv(TAG_AUTH_WITNESS, decrypted) + Tlv(TAG_AUTH_CHALLENGE, challenge), ), ) encrypted = Tlv.unpack(TAG_AUTH_RESPONSE, Tlv.unpack(TAG_DYN_AUTH, response)) encryptor = cipher.encryptor() expected = encryptor.update(challenge) + encryptor.finalize() if not bytes_eq(expected, encrypted): raise BadResponseError("Device response is incorrect")
[docs] def set_management_key( self, key_type: MANAGEMENT_KEY_TYPE, management_key: bytes, require_touch: bool = False, ) -> None: """Set a new management key. :param key_type: The management key type. :param management_key: The management key in raw bytes. :param require_touch: The touch policy. """ key_type = MANAGEMENT_KEY_TYPE(key_type) logger.debug(f"Setting management key of type: {key_type}") if key_type != MANAGEMENT_KEY_TYPE.TDES: require_version(self.version, (5, 4, 0)) if len(management_key) != key_type.key_len: raise ValueError("Management key must be %d bytes" % key_type.key_len) self.protocol.send_apdu( 0, INS_SET_MGMKEY, 0xFF, 0xFE if require_touch else 0xFF, int2bytes(key_type) + Tlv(SLOT_CARD_MANAGEMENT, management_key), ) self._management_key_type = key_type"Management key set")
[docs] def verify_pin(self, pin: str) -> None: """Verify the user by PIN. :param pin: The PIN. """ logger.debug("Verifying PIN") try: self.protocol.send_apdu(0, INS_VERIFY, 0, PIN_P2, _pin_bytes(pin)) self._current_pin_retries = self._max_pin_retries except ApduError as e: retries = _retries_from_sw(e.sw) if retries is None: raise self._current_pin_retries = retries raise InvalidPinError(retries)
[docs] def verify_uv( self, temporary_pin: bool = False, check_only: bool = False ) -> Optional[bytes]: """Verify the user by fingerprint (YubiKey Bio only). Fingerprint verification will allow usage of private keys which have a PIN policy allowing MATCH. For those using MATCH_ALWAYS, the fingerprint must be verified just prior to using the key, or by first requesting a temporary PIN and then later verifying the PIN just prior to key use. :param temporary_pin: Request a temporary PIN for later use within the session. :param check_only: Do not verify the user, instead immediately throw an InvalidPinException containing the number of remaining attempts. """ logger.debug("Verifying UV") if temporary_pin and check_only: raise ValueError( "Cannot request temporary PIN when doing check-only verification" ) if check_only: data = b"" elif temporary_pin: data = Tlv(2) else: data = Tlv(3) try: response = self.protocol.send_apdu(0, INS_VERIFY, 0, SLOT_OCC_AUTH, data) except ApduError as e: if e.sw == SW.REFERENCE_DATA_NOT_FOUND: raise NotSupportedError( "Biometric verification not supported by this YuibKey" ) retries = _retries_from_sw(e.sw) if retries is None: raise raise InvalidPinError( retries, f"Fingerprint mismatch, {retries} attempts remaining" ) return response if temporary_pin else None
[docs] def verify_temporary_pin(self, pin: bytes) -> None: """Verify the user via temporary PIN. :param pin: A temporary PIN previously requested via verify_uv. """ logger.debug("Verifying temporary PIN") if len(pin) != TEMPORARY_PIN_LEN: raise ValueError(f"Temporary PIN must be exactly {TEMPORARY_PIN_LEN} bytes") try: self.protocol.send_apdu(0, INS_VERIFY, 0, SLOT_OCC_AUTH, Tlv(1, pin)) except ApduError as e: if e.sw == SW.REFERENCE_DATA_NOT_FOUND: raise NotSupportedError( "Biometric verification not supported by this YuibKey" ) retries = _retries_from_sw(e.sw) if retries is None: raise raise InvalidPinError( retries, f"Invalid temporary PIN, {retries} attempts remaining" )
[docs] def get_pin_attempts(self) -> int: """Get remaining PIN attempts.""" logger.debug("Getting PIN attempts") try: return self.get_pin_metadata().attempts_remaining except NotSupportedError: try: self.protocol.send_apdu(0, INS_VERIFY, 0, PIN_P2) # Already verified, no way to know true count logger.debug("Using cached value, may be incorrect.") return self._current_pin_retries except ApduError as e: retries = _retries_from_sw(e.sw) if retries is None: raise self._current_pin_retries = retries logger.debug("Using value from empty verify") return retries
[docs] def change_pin(self, old_pin: str, new_pin: str) -> None: """Change the PIN. :param old_pin: The current PIN. :param new_pin: The new PIN. """ logger.debug("Changing PIN") self._change_reference(INS_CHANGE_REFERENCE, PIN_P2, old_pin, new_pin)"New PIN set")
[docs] def change_puk(self, old_puk: str, new_puk: str) -> None: """Change the PUK. :param old_puk: The current PUK. :param new_puk: The new PUK. """ logger.debug("Changing PUK") self._change_reference(INS_CHANGE_REFERENCE, PUK_P2, old_puk, new_puk)"New PUK set")
[docs] def unblock_pin(self, puk: str, new_pin: str) -> None: """Reset PIN with PUK. :param puk: The PUK. :param new_pin: The new PIN. """ logger.debug("Using PUK to set new PIN") self._change_reference(INS_RESET_RETRY, PIN_P2, puk, new_pin)"New PIN set")
[docs] def set_pin_attempts(self, pin_attempts: int, puk_attempts: int) -> None: """Set PIN retries for PIN and PUK. Both PIN and PUK will be reset to default values when this is executed. Requires authentication with management key and PIN verification. :param pin_attempts: The PIN attempts. :param puk_attempts: The PUK attempts. """ logger.debug(f"Setting PIN/PUK attempts ({pin_attempts}, {puk_attempts})") try: self.protocol.send_apdu(0, INS_SET_PIN_RETRIES, pin_attempts, puk_attempts) self._max_pin_retries = pin_attempts self._current_pin_retries = pin_attempts"PIN/PUK attempts set") except ApduError as e: if e.sw == SW.INVALID_INSTRUCTION: raise NotSupportedError( "Setting PIN attempts not supported on this YubiKey" ) raise
[docs] def get_pin_metadata(self) -> PinMetadata: """Get PIN metadata.""" logger.debug("Getting PIN metadata") return self._get_pin_puk_metadata(PIN_P2)
[docs] def get_puk_metadata(self) -> PinMetadata: """Get PUK metadata.""" logger.debug("Getting PUK metadata") return self._get_pin_puk_metadata(PUK_P2)
[docs] def get_management_key_metadata(self) -> ManagementKeyMetadata: """Get management key metadata.""" logger.debug("Getting management key metadata") require_version(self.version, (5, 3, 0)) data = Tlv.parse_dict( self.protocol.send_apdu(0, INS_GET_METADATA, 0, SLOT_CARD_MANAGEMENT) ) policy = data[TAG_METADATA_POLICY] return ManagementKeyMetadata( MANAGEMENT_KEY_TYPE(data.get(TAG_METADATA_ALGO, b"\x03")[0]), data[TAG_METADATA_IS_DEFAULT] != b"\0", TOUCH_POLICY(policy[INDEX_TOUCH_POLICY]), )
[docs] def get_slot_metadata(self, slot: SLOT) -> SlotMetadata: """Get slot metadata. :param slot: The slot to get metadata from. """ slot = SLOT(slot) logger.debug(f"Getting metadata for slot {slot}") require_version(self.version, (5, 3, 0)) data = Tlv.parse_dict(self.protocol.send_apdu(0, INS_GET_METADATA, 0, slot)) policy = data[TAG_METADATA_POLICY] return SlotMetadata( KEY_TYPE(data[TAG_METADATA_ALGO][0]), PIN_POLICY(policy[INDEX_PIN_POLICY]), TOUCH_POLICY(policy[INDEX_TOUCH_POLICY]), data[TAG_METADATA_ORIGIN][0] == ORIGIN_GENERATED, data[TAG_METADATA_PUBLIC_KEY], )
[docs] def get_bio_metadata(self) -> BioMetadata: """Get YubiKey Bio metadata. This tells you if fingerprints are enrolled or not, how many fingerprint verification attempts remain, and whether or not a temporary PIN is currently active. """ logger.debug("Getting bio metadata") try: data = Tlv.parse_dict( self.protocol.send_apdu(0, INS_GET_METADATA, 0, SLOT_OCC_AUTH) ) except ApduError as e: if e.sw in (SW.REFERENCE_DATA_NOT_FOUND, SW.INVALID_INSTRUCTION): raise NotSupportedError( "Biometric verification not supported by this YuibKey" ) raise return BioMetadata( 1 == data.get(TAG_METADATA_BIO_CONFIGURED, b"\x00")[0], data[TAG_METADATA_RETRIES][0], 1 == data.get(TAG_METADATA_TEMPORARY_PIN, b"\x00")[0], )
[docs] def sign( self, slot: SLOT, key_type: KEY_TYPE, message: bytes, hash_algorithm: hashes.HashAlgorithm, padding: Optional[AsymmetricPadding] = None, ) -> bytes: """Sign message with key. Requires PIN verification. :param slot: The slot of the key to use. :param key_type: The type of the key to sign with. :param message: The message to sign. :param hash_algorithm: The pre-signature hash algorithm to use. :param padding: The pre-signature padding. """ slot = SLOT(slot) key_type = KEY_TYPE(key_type) logger.debug( f"Signing data with key in slot {slot} of type {key_type} using " f"hash={hash_algorithm}, padding={padding}" ) padded = _pad_message(key_type, message, hash_algorithm, padding) return self._use_private_key(slot, key_type, padded, False)
[docs] def decrypt( self, slot: SLOT, cipher_text: bytes, padding: AsymmetricPadding ) -> bytes: """Decrypt cipher text. Requires PIN verification. :param slot: The slot. :param cipher_text: The cipher text to decrypt. :param padding: The padding of the plain text. """ slot = SLOT(slot) try: key_type = getattr(KEY_TYPE, f"RSA{len(cipher_text) * 8}") except AttributeError: raise ValueError("Invalid length of ciphertext") logger.debug( f"Decrypting data with key in slot {slot} of type {key_type} using ", f"padding={padding}", ) padded = self._use_private_key(slot, key_type, cipher_text, False) return _unpad_message(padded, padding)
[docs] def calculate_secret( self, slot: SLOT, peer_public_key: Union[ ec.EllipticCurvePrivateKeyWithSerialization, x25519.X25519PublicKey ], ) -> bytes: """Calculate shared secret using ECDH. Requires PIN verification. :param slot: The slot. :param peer_public_key: The peer's public key. """ slot = SLOT(slot) key_type = KEY_TYPE.from_public_key(peer_public_key) if key_type.algorithm != ALGORITHM.EC: raise ValueError("Unsupported key type") logger.debug( f"Performing key agreement with key in slot {slot} of type {key_type}" ) if key_type == KEY_TYPE.X25519: data = peer_public_key.public_bytes(Encoding.Raw, PublicFormat.Raw) else: data = peer_public_key.public_bytes( Encoding.X962, PublicFormat.UncompressedPoint ) return self._use_private_key(slot, key_type, data, True)
[docs] def get_object(self, object_id: int) -> bytes: """Get object by ID. Requires PIN verification for protected objects. :param object_id: The object identifier. """ logger.debug(f"Reading data from object slot {hex(object_id)}") if object_id == OBJECT_ID.DISCOVERY: expected: int = OBJECT_ID.DISCOVERY else: expected = TAG_OBJ_DATA try: return Tlv.unpack( expected, self.protocol.send_apdu( 0, INS_GET_DATA, 0x3F, 0xFF, Tlv(TAG_OBJ_ID, int2bytes(object_id)), ), ) except ValueError as e: raise BadResponseError("Malformed object data", e)
[docs] def put_object(self, object_id: int, data: Optional[bytes] = None) -> None: """Write data to PIV object. Requires authentication with management key. :param object_id: The object identifier. :param data: The object data. """ self.protocol.send_apdu( 0, INS_PUT_DATA, 0x3F, 0xFF, Tlv(TAG_OBJ_ID, int2bytes(object_id)) + Tlv(TAG_OBJ_DATA, data or b""), )"Data written to object slot {hex(object_id)}")
[docs] def get_certificate(self, slot: SLOT) -> x509.Certificate: """Get certificate from slot. :param slot: The slot to get the certificate from. """ slot = SLOT(slot) logger.debug(f"Reading certificate in slot {slot}") try: data = Tlv.parse_dict(self.get_object(OBJECT_ID.from_slot(slot))) cert_data = data[TAG_CERTIFICATE] cert_info = data[TAG_CERT_INFO][0] if TAG_CERT_INFO in data else 0 except (ValueError, KeyError): raise BadResponseError("Malformed certificate data object") if cert_info == 1: logger.debug("Certificate is compressed, decompressing...") # Compressed certificate cert_data = gzip.decompress(cert_data) elif cert_info != 0: raise NotSupportedError("Unsupported value in CertInfo") try: return x509.load_der_x509_certificate(cert_data, default_backend()) except Exception as e: raise BadResponseError("Invalid certificate", e)
[docs] def put_certificate( self, slot: SLOT, certificate: x509.Certificate, compress: bool = False ) -> None: """Import certificate to slot. Requires authentication with management key. :param slot: The slot to import the certificate to. :param certificate: The certificate to import. :param compress: If the certificate should be compressed or not. """ slot = SLOT(slot) logger.debug(f"Storing certificate in slot {slot}") cert_data = certificate.public_bytes(Encoding.DER) logger.debug(f"Certificate is {len(cert_data)} bytes, compression={compress}") if compress: cert_info = b"\1" cert_data = gzip.compress(cert_data) logger.debug(f"Compressed size: {len(cert_data)} bytes") else: cert_info = b"\0" data = ( Tlv(TAG_CERTIFICATE, cert_data) + Tlv(TAG_CERT_INFO, cert_info) + Tlv(TAG_LRC) ) self.put_object(OBJECT_ID.from_slot(slot), data)"Certificate written to slot {slot}, compression={compress}")
[docs] def delete_certificate(self, slot: SLOT) -> None: """Delete certificate. Requires authentication with management key. :param slot: The slot to delete the certificate from. """ slot = SLOT(slot) logger.debug(f"Deleting certificate in slot {slot}") self.put_object(OBJECT_ID.from_slot(slot))
[docs] def put_key( self, slot: SLOT, private_key: Union[ rsa.RSAPrivateKeyWithSerialization, ec.EllipticCurvePrivateKeyWithSerialization, ], pin_policy: PIN_POLICY = PIN_POLICY.DEFAULT, touch_policy: TOUCH_POLICY = TOUCH_POLICY.DEFAULT, ) -> None: """Import a private key to slot. Requires authentication with management key. :param slot: The slot to import the key to. :param private_key: The private key to import. :param pin_policy: The PIN policy. :param touch_policy: The touch policy. """ slot = SLOT(slot) key_type = KEY_TYPE.from_public_key(private_key.public_key()) self.check_key_support(key_type, pin_policy, touch_policy, False) ln = key_type.bit_len // 8 if key_type.algorithm == ALGORITHM.RSA: numbers = private_key.private_numbers() numbers = cast(rsa.RSAPrivateNumbers, numbers) if numbers.public_numbers.e != 65537: raise NotSupportedError("RSA exponent must be 65537") ln //= 2 data = ( Tlv(0x01, int2bytes(numbers.p, ln)) + Tlv(0x02, int2bytes(numbers.q, ln)) + Tlv(0x03, int2bytes(numbers.dmp1, ln)) + Tlv(0x04, int2bytes(numbers.dmq1, ln)) + Tlv(0x05, int2bytes(numbers.iqmp, ln)) ) elif key_type in (KEY_TYPE.ED25519, KEY_TYPE.X25519): data = Tlv( 0x07 if key_type == KEY_TYPE.ED25519 else 0x08, private_key.private_bytes( Encoding.Raw, PrivateFormat.Raw, NoEncryption() ), ) else: numbers = private_key.private_numbers() numbers = cast(ec.EllipticCurvePrivateNumbers, numbers) data = Tlv(0x06, int2bytes(numbers.private_value, ln)) if pin_policy: data += Tlv(TAG_PIN_POLICY, int2bytes(pin_policy)) if touch_policy: data += Tlv(TAG_TOUCH_POLICY, int2bytes(touch_policy)) logger.debug( f"Importing key with pin_policy={pin_policy}, touch_policy={touch_policy}" ) self.protocol.send_apdu(0, INS_IMPORT_KEY, key_type, slot, data)"Private key imported in slot {slot} of type {key_type}") return key_type
[docs] def generate_key( self, slot: SLOT, key_type: KEY_TYPE, pin_policy: PIN_POLICY = PIN_POLICY.DEFAULT, touch_policy: TOUCH_POLICY = TOUCH_POLICY.DEFAULT, ) -> Union[rsa.RSAPublicKey, ec.EllipticCurvePublicKey]: """Generate private key in slot. Requires authentication with management key. :param slot: The slot to generate the private key in. :param key_type: The key type. :param pin_policy: The PIN policy. :param touch_policy: The touch policy. """ slot = SLOT(slot) key_type = KEY_TYPE(key_type) self.check_key_support(key_type, pin_policy, touch_policy, True) data: bytes = Tlv(TAG_GEN_ALGORITHM, int2bytes(key_type)) if pin_policy: data += Tlv(TAG_PIN_POLICY, int2bytes(pin_policy)) if touch_policy: data += Tlv(TAG_TOUCH_POLICY, int2bytes(touch_policy)) logger.debug( f"Generating key with pin_policy={pin_policy}, touch_policy={touch_policy}" ) response = self.protocol.send_apdu( 0, INS_GENERATE_ASYMMETRIC, 0, slot, Tlv(0xAC, data) )"Private key generated in slot {slot} of type {key_type}") return _parse_device_public_key(key_type, Tlv.unpack(0x7F49, response))
[docs] def attest_key(self, slot: SLOT) -> x509.Certificate: """Attest key in slot. :param slot: The slot where the key has been generated. :return: A X.509 certificate. """ require_version(self.version, (4, 3, 0)) slot = SLOT(slot) response = self.protocol.send_apdu(0, INS_ATTEST, slot, 0) logger.debug(f"Attested key in slot {slot}") return x509.load_der_x509_certificate(response, default_backend())
[docs] def move_key(self, from_slot: SLOT, to_slot: SLOT) -> None: """Move key from one slot to another. Requires authentication with management key. :param from_slot: The slot containing the key to move. :param to_slot: The new slot to move the key to. """ require_version(self.version, (5, 7, 0)) from_slot = SLOT(from_slot) to_slot = SLOT(to_slot) logger.debug(f"Moving key from slot {from_slot} to {to_slot}") self.protocol.send_apdu(0, INS_MOVE_KEY, to_slot, from_slot)"Key moved from slot {from_slot} to {to_slot}")
[docs] def delete_key(self, slot: SLOT) -> None: """Delete a key in a slot. Requires authentication with management key. :param slot: The slot containing the key to delete. """ require_version(self.version, (5, 7, 0)) slot = SLOT(slot) logger.debug(f"Deleting key in slot {slot}") self.protocol.send_apdu(0, INS_MOVE_KEY, 0xFF, slot)"Key deleted in slot {slot}")
def _change_reference(self, ins, p2, value1, value2): try: self.protocol.send_apdu( 0, ins, 0, p2, _pin_bytes(value1) + _pin_bytes(value2) ) except ApduError as e: retries = _retries_from_sw(e.sw) if retries is None: raise if p2 == PIN_P2: self._current_pin_retries = retries raise InvalidPinError(retries) def _get_pin_puk_metadata(self, p2): require_version(self.version, (5, 3, 0)) data = Tlv.parse_dict(self.protocol.send_apdu(0, INS_GET_METADATA, 0, p2)) attempts = data[TAG_METADATA_RETRIES] return PinMetadata( data[TAG_METADATA_IS_DEFAULT] != b"\0", attempts[INDEX_RETRIES_TOTAL], attempts[INDEX_RETRIES_REMAINING], ) def _use_private_key(self, slot, key_type, message, exponentiation): try: response = self.protocol.send_apdu( 0, INS_AUTHENTICATE, key_type, slot, Tlv( TAG_DYN_AUTH, Tlv(TAG_AUTH_RESPONSE) + Tlv( ( TAG_AUTH_EXPONENTIATION if exponentiation else TAG_AUTH_CHALLENGE ), message, ), ), ) return Tlv.unpack( TAG_AUTH_RESPONSE, Tlv.unpack( TAG_DYN_AUTH, response, ), ) except ApduError as e: if e.sw == SW.INCORRECT_PARAMETERS: raise e # TODO: Different error, No key? raise
[docs] def check_key_support( self, key_type: KEY_TYPE, pin_policy: PIN_POLICY, touch_policy: TOUCH_POLICY, generate: bool, fips_restrictions: bool = False, ) -> None: """Check if a key type is supported by this YubiKey. This method will return None if the key (with PIN and touch policies) is supported, or it will raise a NotSupportedError if it is not. Set the generate parameter to True to check if generating the key is supported (in addition to importing). Set fips_restrictions to True to apply restrictions based on FIPS status. """ _do_check_key_support( self.version, key_type, pin_policy, touch_policy, generate, fips_restrictions, ) if pin_policy in (PIN_POLICY.MATCH_ONCE, PIN_POLICY.MATCH_ALWAYS): self.get_bio_metadata()