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- Apdu - Class in com.yubico.yubikit.core.smartcard
Data model for encapsulating an APDU command, as defined by ISO/IEC 7816-4 standard.
- Apdu(int, int, int, int, byte[]) - Constructor for class com.yubico.yubikit.core.smartcard.Apdu
Constructor using int's for convenience.
- ApduException - Exception in com.yubico.yubikit.core.smartcard
Thrown when an APDU command fails with an error code.
- ApduException(short) - Constructor for exception com.yubico.yubikit.core.smartcard.ApduException
- ApduException(short, String) - Constructor for exception com.yubico.yubikit.core.smartcard.ApduException
- ApduFormat - Enum in com.yubico.yubikit.core.smartcard
APDU encoding format.
- ApduResponse - Class in com.yubico.yubikit.core.smartcard
An APDU response from a YubiKey, comprising response data, and a status code.
- ApduResponse(byte[]) - Constructor for class com.yubico.yubikit.core.smartcard.ApduResponse
Creates a new response from a key
- ApplicationNotAvailableException - Exception in com.yubico.yubikit.core.application
The application is either disabled or not supported on the connected YubiKey.
- ApplicationNotAvailableException(String) - Constructor for exception com.yubico.yubikit.core.application.ApplicationNotAvailableException
- ApplicationNotAvailableException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.yubico.yubikit.core.application.ApplicationNotAvailableException
- ApplicationSession<T extends ApplicationSession<T>> - Class in com.yubico.yubikit.core.application
A base class for Sessions with a YubiKey.
- ApplicationSession() - Constructor for class com.yubico.yubikit.core.application.ApplicationSession
- AUTH_METHOD_BLOCKED - Static variable in class com.yubico.yubikit.core.smartcard.SW
- BadResponseException - Exception in com.yubico.yubikit.core.application
The data contained in a YubiKey response was invalid.
- BadResponseException(String) - Constructor for exception com.yubico.yubikit.core.application.BadResponseException
- BadResponseException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.yubico.yubikit.core.application.BadResponseException
- bytesToHex(byte[]) - Static method in class com.yubico.yubikit.core.util.StringUtils
Helper method that convert byte array into string for logging
- bytesToHex(byte[], int, int) - Static method in class com.yubico.yubikit.core.util.StringUtils
Helper method that convert byte array into string for logging
- calculateCrc(byte[], int) - Static method in class com.yubico.yubikit.core.otp.ChecksumUtils
Calculate the CRC13239 checksum for a byte buffer.
- Callback<T> - Interface in com.yubico.yubikit.core.util
Generic callback interface.
- cancel() - Method in class com.yubico.yubikit.core.application.CommandState
Cancel an ongoing CTAP2 command, by sending a CTAP cancel command.
- CCID - com.yubico.yubikit.core.UsbInterface.Mode
- CCID - Static variable in class com.yubico.yubikit.core.UsbInterface
- checkCrc(byte[], int) - Static method in class com.yubico.yubikit.core.otp.ChecksumUtils
Verifies a checksum.
- ChecksumUtils - Class in com.yubico.yubikit.core.otp
Utility methods for calculating and verifying the CRC13239 checksum used by YubiKeys.
- close() - Method in class com.yubico.yubikit.core.fido.FidoProtocol
- close() - Method in class com.yubico.yubikit.core.otp.OtpProtocol
- close() - Method in class com.yubico.yubikit.core.smartcard.SmartCardProtocol
- com.yubico.yubikit.core - package com.yubico.yubikit.core
- com.yubico.yubikit.core.application - package com.yubico.yubikit.core.application
- com.yubico.yubikit.core.fido - package com.yubico.yubikit.core.fido
- com.yubico.yubikit.core.otp - package com.yubico.yubikit.core.otp
- com.yubico.yubikit.core.smartcard - package com.yubico.yubikit.core.smartcard
- com.yubico.yubikit.core.util - package com.yubico.yubikit.core.util
- COMMAND_ABORTED - Static variable in class com.yubico.yubikit.core.smartcard.SW
- COMMAND_NOT_ALLOWED - Static variable in class com.yubico.yubikit.core.smartcard.SW
- CommandException - Exception in com.yubico.yubikit.core.application
An error response from a YubiKey.
- CommandException(String) - Constructor for exception com.yubico.yubikit.core.application.CommandException
- CommandException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.yubico.yubikit.core.application.CommandException
- CommandRejectedException - Exception in com.yubico.yubikit.core.otp
Thrown if a command is rejected by the YubiKey.
- CommandRejectedException(String) - Constructor for exception com.yubico.yubikit.core.otp.CommandRejectedException
- CommandState - Class in com.yubico.yubikit.core.application
Provides control over an ongoing YubiKey operation.
- CommandState() - Constructor for class com.yubico.yubikit.core.application.CommandState
- compareTo(Version) - Method in class com.yubico.yubikit.core.Version
- CONDITIONS_NOT_SATISFIED - Static variable in class com.yubico.yubikit.core.smartcard.SW
- CtapException - Exception in com.yubico.yubikit.core.fido
An error on the CTAP-level, returned from the Authenticator.
- CtapException(byte) - Constructor for exception com.yubico.yubikit.core.fido.CtapException
- d(String) - Static method in class com.yubico.yubikit.core.Logger
Log a debug message.
- DATA_INVALID - Static variable in class com.yubico.yubikit.core.smartcard.SW
- decode(String) - Static method in class com.yubico.yubikit.core.otp.Modhex
Decodes Modhex encoded string.
- decodeList(byte[]) - Static method in class com.yubico.yubikit.core.util.Tlvs
Decodes a sequence of BER-TLV encoded data into a list of Tlvs.
- decodeMap(byte[]) - Static method in class com.yubico.yubikit.core.util.Tlvs
Decodes a sequence of BER-TLV encoded data into a mapping of Tag-Value pairs.
- e(String, Throwable) - Static method in class com.yubico.yubikit.core.Logger
Log an error message, together with an exception.
- enableWorkarounds(Version) - Method in class com.yubico.yubikit.core.smartcard.SmartCardProtocol
Enable all relevant workarounds given the firmware version of the YubiKey.
- encode(byte[]) - Static method in class com.yubico.yubikit.core.otp.Modhex
Encodes data to Modhex.
- encodeList(Iterable<? extends Tlv>) - Static method in class com.yubico.yubikit.core.util.Tlvs
Encodes a List of Tlvs into an array of bytes.
- encodeMap(Map<Integer, byte[]>) - Static method in class com.yubico.yubikit.core.util.Tlvs
Encodes a Map of Tag-Value pairs into an array of bytes.
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.yubico.yubikit.core.Version
- ERR_ACTION_TIMEOUT - Static variable in exception com.yubico.yubikit.core.fido.CtapException
- ERR_CBOR_UNEXPECTED_TYPE - Static variable in exception com.yubico.yubikit.core.fido.CtapException
- ERR_CHANNEL_BUSY - Static variable in exception com.yubico.yubikit.core.fido.CtapException
- ERR_CREDENTIAL_EXCLUDED - Static variable in exception com.yubico.yubikit.core.fido.CtapException
- ERR_EXTENSION_FIRST - Static variable in exception com.yubico.yubikit.core.fido.CtapException
- ERR_EXTENSION_LAST - Static variable in exception com.yubico.yubikit.core.fido.CtapException
- ERR_INVALID_CBOR - Static variable in exception com.yubico.yubikit.core.fido.CtapException
- ERR_INVALID_CHANNEL - Static variable in exception com.yubico.yubikit.core.fido.CtapException
- ERR_INVALID_COMMAND - Static variable in exception com.yubico.yubikit.core.fido.CtapException
- ERR_INVALID_CREDENTIAL - Static variable in exception com.yubico.yubikit.core.fido.CtapException
- ERR_INVALID_LENGTH - Static variable in exception com.yubico.yubikit.core.fido.CtapException
- ERR_INVALID_OPTION - Static variable in exception com.yubico.yubikit.core.fido.CtapException
- ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER - Static variable in exception com.yubico.yubikit.core.fido.CtapException
- ERR_INVALID_SEQ - Static variable in exception com.yubico.yubikit.core.fido.CtapException
- ERR_KEEPALIVE_CANCEL - Static variable in exception com.yubico.yubikit.core.fido.CtapException
- ERR_KEY_STORE_FULL - Static variable in exception com.yubico.yubikit.core.fido.CtapException
- ERR_LIMIT_EXCEEDED - Static variable in exception com.yubico.yubikit.core.fido.CtapException
- ERR_LOCK_REQUIRED - Static variable in exception com.yubico.yubikit.core.fido.CtapException
- ERR_MISSING_PARAMETER - Static variable in exception com.yubico.yubikit.core.fido.CtapException
- ERR_NO_CREDENTIALS - Static variable in exception com.yubico.yubikit.core.fido.CtapException
- ERR_NO_OPERATION_PENDING - Static variable in exception com.yubico.yubikit.core.fido.CtapException
- ERR_NO_OPERATIONS - Static variable in exception com.yubico.yubikit.core.fido.CtapException
- ERR_NOT_ALLOWED - Static variable in exception com.yubico.yubikit.core.fido.CtapException
- ERR_NOT_BUSY - Static variable in exception com.yubico.yubikit.core.fido.CtapException
- ERR_OPERATION_DENIED - Static variable in exception com.yubico.yubikit.core.fido.CtapException
- ERR_OPERATION_PENDING - Static variable in exception com.yubico.yubikit.core.fido.CtapException
- ERR_OTHER - Static variable in exception com.yubico.yubikit.core.fido.CtapException
- ERR_PIN_AUTH_BLOCKED - Static variable in exception com.yubico.yubikit.core.fido.CtapException
- ERR_PIN_AUTH_INVALID - Static variable in exception com.yubico.yubikit.core.fido.CtapException
- ERR_PIN_BLOCKED - Static variable in exception com.yubico.yubikit.core.fido.CtapException
- ERR_PIN_INVALID - Static variable in exception com.yubico.yubikit.core.fido.CtapException
- ERR_PIN_NOT_SET - Static variable in exception com.yubico.yubikit.core.fido.CtapException
- ERR_PIN_POLICY_VIOLATION - Static variable in exception com.yubico.yubikit.core.fido.CtapException
- ERR_PIN_REQUIRED - Static variable in exception com.yubico.yubikit.core.fido.CtapException
- ERR_PIN_TOKEN_EXPIRED - Static variable in exception com.yubico.yubikit.core.fido.CtapException
- ERR_PROCESSING - Static variable in exception com.yubico.yubikit.core.fido.CtapException
- ERR_REQUEST_TOO_LARGE - Static variable in exception com.yubico.yubikit.core.fido.CtapException
- ERR_SPEC_LAST - Static variable in exception com.yubico.yubikit.core.fido.CtapException
- ERR_SUCCESS - Static variable in exception com.yubico.yubikit.core.fido.CtapException
- ERR_TIMEOUT - Static variable in exception com.yubico.yubikit.core.fido.CtapException
- ERR_UNSUPPORTED_ALGORITHM - Static variable in exception com.yubico.yubikit.core.fido.CtapException
- ERR_UNSUPPORTED_EXTENSION - Static variable in exception com.yubico.yubikit.core.fido.CtapException
- ERR_UNSUPPORTED_OPTION - Static variable in exception com.yubico.yubikit.core.fido.CtapException
- ERR_UP_REQUIRED - Static variable in exception com.yubico.yubikit.core.fido.CtapException
- ERR_USER_ACTION_PENDING - Static variable in exception com.yubico.yubikit.core.fido.CtapException
- ERR_USER_ACTION_TIMEOUT - Static variable in exception com.yubico.yubikit.core.fido.CtapException
- ERR_VENDOR_FIRST - Static variable in exception com.yubico.yubikit.core.fido.CtapException
- ERR_VENDOR_LAST - Static variable in exception com.yubico.yubikit.core.fido.CtapException
- EXTENDED - com.yubico.yubikit.core.smartcard.ApduFormat
- failure(E) - Static method in class com.yubico.yubikit.core.util.Result
Constructs a Result for an Exception (failure).
- Feature<T extends ApplicationSession<T>> - Class in com.yubico.yubikit.core.application
A feature for a YubiKey application, which may not be supported by all YubiKeys.
- Feature(String) - Constructor for class com.yubico.yubikit.core.application.Feature
- FEATURE_REPORT_SIZE - Static variable in interface com.yubico.yubikit.core.otp.OtpConnection
- Feature.Versioned<T extends ApplicationSession<T>> - Class in com.yubico.yubikit.core.application
A Feature which has a minimum version which it checks against.
- featureName - Variable in class com.yubico.yubikit.core.application.Feature
- FIDO - com.yubico.yubikit.core.UsbInterface.Mode
- FIDO - Static variable in class com.yubico.yubikit.core.UsbInterface
- FIDO_CCID - com.yubico.yubikit.core.UsbInterface.Mode
- FidoConnection - Interface in com.yubico.yubikit.core.fido
A HID CTAP connection to a YubiKey.
- FidoProtocol - Class in com.yubico.yubikit.core.fido
- FidoProtocol(FidoConnection) - Constructor for class com.yubico.yubikit.core.fido.FidoProtocol
- FILE_NOT_FOUND - Static variable in class com.yubico.yubikit.core.smartcard.SW
- first - Variable in class com.yubico.yubikit.core.util.Pair
- fromBytes(byte[]) - Static method in class com.yubico.yubikit.core.Version
Parses a Version from a byte array by taking the first three bytes.
- fromValue(int) - Static method in enum com.yubico.yubikit.core.UsbPid
- getBytes() - Method in class com.yubico.yubikit.core.smartcard.ApduResponse
- getBytes() - Method in class com.yubico.yubikit.core.util.Tlv
Returns the Tlv as a BER-TLV encoded byte array.
- getBytes() - Method in class com.yubico.yubikit.core.Version
Returns the version components as a byte array of size 3.
- getCla() - Method in class com.yubico.yubikit.core.smartcard.Apdu
Returns the CLA of the APDU.
- getConnection() - Method in class com.yubico.yubikit.core.smartcard.SmartCardProtocol
- getCtapError() - Method in exception com.yubico.yubikit.core.fido.CtapException
- getData() - Method in class com.yubico.yubikit.core.smartcard.Apdu
Returns the data payload of the APDU.
- getData() - Method in class com.yubico.yubikit.core.smartcard.ApduResponse
- getFeatureName() - Method in class com.yubico.yubikit.core.application.Feature
Get a human readable name of the feature.
- getIns() - Method in class com.yubico.yubikit.core.smartcard.Apdu
Returns the INS of the APDU.
- getLength() - Method in class com.yubico.yubikit.core.util.Tlv
Returns the length of the value.
- getMode(int) - Static method in enum com.yubico.yubikit.core.UsbInterface.Mode
Returns the USB Mode given the enabled USB interfaces it has.
- getNdefPayload(byte[]) - Static method in class com.yubico.yubikit.core.util.NdefUtils
Returns the String payload portion (an OTP, for example) of a YubiKey's NDEF data.
- getNdefPayloadBytes(byte[]) - Static method in class com.yubico.yubikit.core.util.NdefUtils
Returns the byte payload portion (static password scan codes, for example) of a YubiKey's NDEF data.
- getP1() - Method in class com.yubico.yubikit.core.smartcard.Apdu
Returns the parameter P1 of the APDU.
- getP2() - Method in class com.yubico.yubikit.core.smartcard.Apdu
Returns the parameter P2 of the APDU.
- getRandomBytes(int) - Static method in class com.yubico.yubikit.core.util.RandomUtils
Returns a byte array containing random values.
- getRequiredMessage() - Method in class com.yubico.yubikit.core.application.Feature
- getRequiredMessage() - Method in class com.yubico.yubikit.core.application.Feature.Versioned
- getSw() - Method in exception com.yubico.yubikit.core.smartcard.ApduException
Gets error code that received via APDU response
- getSw() - Method in class com.yubico.yubikit.core.smartcard.ApduResponse
- getTag() - Method in class com.yubico.yubikit.core.util.Tlv
Returns the tag.
- getTransport() - Method in interface com.yubico.yubikit.core.smartcard.SmartCardConnection
Checks what transport the connection is using (USB or NFC).
- getTransport() - Method in interface com.yubico.yubikit.core.YubiKeyDevice
Returns the transport used for communication
- getValue() - Method in class com.yubico.yubikit.core.util.Result
Gets the held value, if the Result is successful, or throws the error on failure.
- getValue() - Method in class com.yubico.yubikit.core.util.Tlv
returns the value.
- getVersion() - Method in class com.yubico.yubikit.core.application.ApplicationSession
Get the version of the Application from the YubiKey.
- getVersion() - Method in class com.yubico.yubikit.core.fido.FidoProtocol
- getVersion() - Method in class com.yubico.yubikit.core.otp.OtpProtocol
- hashCode() - Method in class com.yubico.yubikit.core.Version
- INCORRECT_PARAMETERS - Static variable in class com.yubico.yubikit.core.smartcard.SW
- interfaces - Variable in enum com.yubico.yubikit.core.UsbInterface.Mode
- INVALID_INSTRUCTION - Static variable in class com.yubico.yubikit.core.smartcard.SW
- invoke(T) - Method in interface com.yubico.yubikit.core.util.Callback
- isAtLeast(int, int, int) - Method in class com.yubico.yubikit.core.Version
Returns whether or not the Version is greater than or equal to a given version.
- isError() - Method in class com.yubico.yubikit.core.util.Result
Checks if the Result is a failure.
- isExtendedLengthApduSupported() - Method in interface com.yubico.yubikit.core.smartcard.SmartCardConnection
Standard APDUs have a 1-byte length field, allowing a maximum of 255 payload bytes, which results in a maximum APDU length of 261 bytes.
- isLessThan(int, int, int) - Method in class com.yubico.yubikit.core.Version
Returns whether or not the Version is less than a given version.
- isSuccess() - Method in class com.yubico.yubikit.core.util.Result
Checks if the Result is successful.
- isSupportedBy(Version) - Method in class com.yubico.yubikit.core.application.Feature
Checks if the Feature is supported by the given Application version.
- isSupportedBy(Version) - Method in class com.yubico.yubikit.core.application.Feature.Versioned
- logDebug(String) - Method in class com.yubico.yubikit.core.Logger
Specifies how debug messages are logged.
- logError(String, Throwable) - Method in class com.yubico.yubikit.core.Logger
Specifies how error messages (with exceptions) are logged.
- Logger - Class in com.yubico.yubikit.core
Helper class allows to customize logs within the SDK SDK has only 2 levels of logging: debug information and error If a Logger implementation is not provided the SDK won't produce any logs
- Logger() - Constructor for class com.yubico.yubikit.core.Logger
- major - Variable in class com.yubico.yubikit.core.Version
- MEMORY_ERROR - Static variable in class com.yubico.yubikit.core.smartcard.SW
- micro - Variable in class com.yubico.yubikit.core.Version
- minor - Variable in class com.yubico.yubikit.core.Version
- Modhex - Class in com.yubico.yubikit.core.otp
Methods for encoding and decoding Modhex encoded Strings.
- Modhex() - Constructor for class com.yubico.yubikit.core.otp.Modhex
- name - Variable in enum com.yubico.yubikit.core.YubiKeyType
- NdefUtils - Class in com.yubico.yubikit.core.util
Parser that helps to extract OTP from nfc tag.
- NdefUtils() - Constructor for class com.yubico.yubikit.core.util.NdefUtils
- NEO - com.yubico.yubikit.core.YubiKeyType
- NEO_CCID - com.yubico.yubikit.core.UsbPid
- NEO_FIDO - com.yubico.yubikit.core.UsbPid
- NEO_FIDO_CCID - com.yubico.yubikit.core.UsbPid
- NEO_OTP - com.yubico.yubikit.core.UsbPid
- NEO_OTP_CCID - com.yubico.yubikit.core.UsbPid
- NEO_OTP_FIDO - com.yubico.yubikit.core.UsbPid
- NEO_OTP_FIDO_CCID - com.yubico.yubikit.core.UsbPid
- NFC - com.yubico.yubikit.core.Transport
Near-field communication, using a built-in antenna.
- NO_INPUT_DATA - Static variable in class com.yubico.yubikit.core.smartcard.SW
- NO_SPACE - Static variable in class com.yubico.yubikit.core.smartcard.SW
- of(Callable<T>) - Static method in class com.yubico.yubikit.core.util.Result
Runs the given callable, creating a Result of its value, if run successfully, or its Exception.
- OK - Static variable in class com.yubico.yubikit.core.smartcard.SW
- onKeepAliveStatus(byte) - Method in class com.yubico.yubikit.core.application.CommandState
Override this method to handle keep-alive messages sent from the YubiKey.
- OTP - com.yubico.yubikit.core.UsbInterface.Mode
- OTP - Static variable in class com.yubico.yubikit.core.UsbInterface
- OTP_CCID - com.yubico.yubikit.core.UsbInterface.Mode
- OTP_FIDO - com.yubico.yubikit.core.UsbInterface.Mode
- OTP_FIDO_CCID - com.yubico.yubikit.core.UsbInterface.Mode
- OtpConnection - Interface in com.yubico.yubikit.core.otp
A HID keyboard connection to a YubiKey, which uses feature reports to send and receive data.
- OtpProtocol - Class in com.yubico.yubikit.core.otp
- OtpProtocol(OtpConnection) - Constructor for class com.yubico.yubikit.core.otp.OtpProtocol
- PackageNonnullByDefault - Annotation Type in com.yubico.yubikit.core
Annotation used in package-info.java to indicate that all fields, methods, and parameters are Nonnull by default.
- PACKET_SIZE - Static variable in interface com.yubico.yubikit.core.fido.FidoConnection
- Pair<A,B> - Class in com.yubico.yubikit.core.util
Utility class to hold two values.
- Pair(A, B) - Constructor for class com.yubico.yubikit.core.util.Pair
- parse(byte[]) - Static method in class com.yubico.yubikit.core.util.Tlv
Parse a Tlv from a BER-TLV encoded byte array.
- parse(byte[], int, int) - Static method in class com.yubico.yubikit.core.util.Tlv
Parse a Tlv from a BER-TLV encoded byte array.
- parse(String) - Static method in class com.yubico.yubikit.core.Version
Parses a Version from a String (eg.
- RandomUtils - Class in com.yubico.yubikit.core.util
Utility class to generate random data.
- readStatus() - Method in class com.yubico.yubikit.core.otp.OtpProtocol
Receive status bytes from YubiKey
- receive(byte[]) - Method in interface com.yubico.yubikit.core.fido.FidoConnection
Receives a HID CTAP packet from the YubiKey.
- receive(byte[]) - Method in interface com.yubico.yubikit.core.otp.OtpConnection
Read an 8 byte feature report from the YubiKey
- requestConnection(Class<T>, Callback<Result<T, IOException>>) - Method in interface com.yubico.yubikit.core.YubiKeyDevice
Requests a new connection of the given connection type.
- require(Feature<T>) - Method in class com.yubico.yubikit.core.application.ApplicationSession
- Result<T,E extends java.lang.Throwable> - Class in com.yubico.yubikit.core.util
Result value, wrapping a T (if successful) or an Exception (if failed).
- second - Variable in class com.yubico.yubikit.core.util.Pair
- SECURITY_CONDITION_NOT_SATISFIED - Static variable in class com.yubico.yubikit.core.smartcard.SW
- select(byte[]) - Method in class com.yubico.yubikit.core.smartcard.SmartCardProtocol
Sends an APDU to SELECT an Application.
- send(byte[]) - Method in interface com.yubico.yubikit.core.fido.FidoConnection
Sends a HID CTAP packet to the YubiKey.
- send(byte[]) - Method in interface com.yubico.yubikit.core.otp.OtpConnection
Writes an 8 byte feature report to the YubiKey.
- sendAndReceive(byte[]) - Method in interface com.yubico.yubikit.core.smartcard.SmartCardConnection
Sends a command APDU to the YubiKey, and reads a response.
- sendAndReceive(byte, byte[], CommandState) - Method in class com.yubico.yubikit.core.fido.FidoProtocol
- sendAndReceive(byte, byte[], CommandState) - Method in class com.yubico.yubikit.core.otp.OtpProtocol
Sends a command to the YubiKey, and reads the response.
- sendAndReceive(Apdu) - Method in class com.yubico.yubikit.core.smartcard.SmartCardProtocol
Sends APDU command and receives byte array from connection In case if output has status code that it has remaining info sends another APDU command to receive what's remaining
- setApduFormat(ApduFormat) - Method in class com.yubico.yubikit.core.smartcard.SmartCardProtocol
YubiKey NEO doesn't support extended APDU's for most applications.
- setEnableTouchWorkaround(boolean) - Method in class com.yubico.yubikit.core.smartcard.SmartCardProtocol
YubiKey 4.2.0 - 4.2.6 have an issue with the touch timeout being too short in certain cases.
- setLogger(Logger) - Static method in class com.yubico.yubikit.core.Logger
Set the Logger implementation to use.
- SHORT - com.yubico.yubikit.core.smartcard.ApduFormat
- SKY - com.yubico.yubikit.core.YubiKeyType
- SKY_FIDO - com.yubico.yubikit.core.UsbPid
- SmartCardConnection - Interface in com.yubico.yubikit.core.smartcard
A connection capable of sending APDUs and receiving their responses.
- SmartCardProtocol - Class in com.yubico.yubikit.core.smartcard
Support class for communication over a SmartCardConnection.
- SmartCardProtocol(SmartCardConnection) - Constructor for class com.yubico.yubikit.core.smartcard.SmartCardProtocol
Create new instance of
and selects the application for use - SmartCardProtocol(SmartCardConnection, byte) - Constructor for class com.yubico.yubikit.core.smartcard.SmartCardProtocol
- STATUS_PROCESSING - Static variable in class com.yubico.yubikit.core.application.CommandState
- STATUS_UPNEEDED - Static variable in class com.yubico.yubikit.core.application.CommandState
- StringUtils - Class in com.yubico.yubikit.core.util
Utility methods for Strings.
- success(T) - Static method in class com.yubico.yubikit.core.util.Result
Constructs a Result for a value (success).
- supports(Feature<T>) - Method in class com.yubico.yubikit.core.application.ApplicationSession
Check if a Feature is supported by the YubiKey.
- supportsConnection(Class<? extends YubiKeyConnection>) - Method in interface com.yubico.yubikit.core.YubiKeyDevice
Returns whether or not a specific connection type is supported for this YubiKey, over this transport.
- SW - Class in com.yubico.yubikit.core.smartcard
Contains constants for APDU status codes (SW1, SW2).
- TimeoutException - Exception in com.yubico.yubikit.core.application
The operation timed out waiting for something.
- TimeoutException(String) - Constructor for exception com.yubico.yubikit.core.application.TimeoutException
- TimeoutException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.yubico.yubikit.core.application.TimeoutException
- Tlv - Class in com.yubico.yubikit.core.util
Tag, length, Value structure that helps to parse APDU response data.
- Tlv(int, byte[]) - Constructor for class com.yubico.yubikit.core.util.Tlv
Creates a new Tlv given a tag and a value.
- Tlvs - Class in com.yubico.yubikit.core.util
Utility methods to encode and decode BER-TLV data.
- Tlvs() - Constructor for class com.yubico.yubikit.core.util.Tlvs
- toString() - Method in class com.yubico.yubikit.core.util.Tlv
- toString() - Method in class com.yubico.yubikit.core.Version
- Transport - Enum in com.yubico.yubikit.core
Physical transports which can be used to connect to a YubiKey.
- type - Variable in enum com.yubico.yubikit.core.UsbPid
- TYPE_INIT - Static variable in class com.yubico.yubikit.core.fido.FidoProtocol
- unpackValue(int, byte[]) - Static method in class com.yubico.yubikit.core.util.Tlvs
Decode a single TLV encoded object, returning only the value.
- USB - com.yubico.yubikit.core.Transport
A USB-A or USB-C connector.
- UsbInterface - Class in com.yubico.yubikit.core
Provides constants for the different YubiKey USB interfaces, and the Mode enum for combinations of enabled interfaces.
- UsbInterface.Mode - Enum in com.yubico.yubikit.core
Used for configuring USB Mode for YubiKey 3 and 4.
- usbInterfaces - Variable in enum com.yubico.yubikit.core.UsbPid
- UsbPid - Enum in com.yubico.yubikit.core
- value - Variable in enum com.yubico.yubikit.core.UsbInterface.Mode
- value - Variable in enum com.yubico.yubikit.core.UsbPid
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.yubico.yubikit.core.smartcard.ApduFormat
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.yubico.yubikit.core.Transport
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.yubico.yubikit.core.UsbInterface.Mode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.yubico.yubikit.core.UsbPid
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.yubico.yubikit.core.YubiKeyType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- values() - Static method in enum com.yubico.yubikit.core.smartcard.ApduFormat
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum com.yubico.yubikit.core.Transport
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum com.yubico.yubikit.core.UsbInterface.Mode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum com.yubico.yubikit.core.UsbPid
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum com.yubico.yubikit.core.YubiKeyType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- VERIFY_FAIL_NO_RETRY - Static variable in class com.yubico.yubikit.core.smartcard.SW
- Version - Class in com.yubico.yubikit.core
A 3-part version number, used by the YubiKey firmware and its various applications.
- Version(byte, byte, byte) - Constructor for class com.yubico.yubikit.core.Version
Constructs a new Version object.
- Version(int, int, int) - Constructor for class com.yubico.yubikit.core.Version
Constructor using int's for convenience.
- Versioned(String, int, int, int) - Constructor for class com.yubico.yubikit.core.application.Feature.Versioned
- waitForCancel(long) - Method in class com.yubico.yubikit.core.application.CommandState
- WRONG_LENGTH - Static variable in class com.yubico.yubikit.core.smartcard.SW
- YK4 - com.yubico.yubikit.core.YubiKeyType
- YK4_CCID - com.yubico.yubikit.core.UsbPid
- YK4_FIDO - com.yubico.yubikit.core.UsbPid
- YK4_FIDO_CCID - com.yubico.yubikit.core.UsbPid
- YK4_OTP - com.yubico.yubikit.core.UsbPid
- YK4_OTP_CCID - com.yubico.yubikit.core.UsbPid
- YK4_OTP_FIDO - com.yubico.yubikit.core.UsbPid
- YK4_OTP_FIDO_CCID - com.yubico.yubikit.core.UsbPid
- YKP - com.yubico.yubikit.core.YubiKeyType
- YKP_OTP_FIDO - com.yubico.yubikit.core.UsbPid
- YKS - com.yubico.yubikit.core.YubiKeyType
- YKS_OTP - com.yubico.yubikit.core.UsbPid
- YubiKeyConnection - Interface in com.yubico.yubikit.core
A connection to a YubiKey, which typically exposes a way to send and receive data.
- YubiKeyDevice - Interface in com.yubico.yubikit.core
A reference to a physical YubiKey.
- YubiKeyType - Enum in com.yubico.yubikit.core
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