All Classes and Interfaces
Data model for encapsulating an APDU command, as defined by ISO/IEC 7816-4 standard.
Thrown when an APDU command fails with an error code.
APDU encoding format.
An APDU response from a YubiKey, comprising response data, and a status code.
The application is either disabled or not supported on the connected YubiKey.
A base class for Sessions with a YubiKey.
The data contained in a YubiKey response was invalid.
Loads and provides Base64 implementation
Helper for performing Base64 data conversions.
Used internally in YubiKit, don't use from applications.
Generic callback interface.
Utility methods for calculating and verifying the CRC13239 checksum used by YubiKeys.
An error response from a YubiKey.
Thrown if a command is rejected by the YubiKey.
Provides control over an ongoing YubiKey operation.
An error on the CTAP-level, returned from the Authenticator.
Encrypts data using the DEK (data encryption key) of a current SCP session.
Default implementation of Base64Codec
A feature for a YubiKey application, which may not be supported by all YubiKeys.
A Feature which has a minimum version which it checks against.
A HID CTAP connection to a YubiKey.
Thrown when the wrong PIN or PUK is used (or when the PIN or PUK is in a blocked state).
Reference to an SCP key.
Used internally in YubiKit, don't use from applications.
This class and all its public methods have been deprecated in YubiKit 2.3.0 and will
be removed in future release.
Methods for encoding and decoding Modhex encoded Strings.
Parser that helps to extract OTP from nfc tag.
A HID keyboard connection to a YubiKey, which uses feature reports to send and receive data.
Annotation used in to indicate that all fields, methods, and parameters are
Nonnull by default.
Utility class to hold two values.
Contains private key values to be imported into a YubiKey.
Values defining a public key, such as an RSA or EC key.
Utility class to generate random data.
Result value, wrapping a T (if successful) or an Exception (if failed).
SCP key parameters for performing an SCP03 authentication.
SCP key parameters for performing SCP11 authentication.
SCP key parameters for performing an SCP authentication with a YubiKey.
Internal SCP state class for managing SCP state, handling encryption/decryption and MAC.
Session keys for SCP.
Adds support for overriding YubiKey session version number.
A connection capable of sending APDUs and receiving their responses.
Support class for communication over a SmartCardConnection.
Utility methods for Strings.
Contains constants for APDU status codes (SW1, SW2).
The operation timed out waiting for something.
Tag, length, Value structure that helps to parse APDU response data.
Utility methods to encode and decode BER-TLV data.
Physical transports which can be used to connect to a YubiKey.
Provides constants for the different YubiKey USB interfaces, and the Mode enum for combinations
of enabled interfaces.
Used for configuring USB Mode for YubiKey 3 and 4.
A 3-part version number, used by the YubiKey firmware and its various applications.
A connection to a YubiKey, which typically exposes a way to send and receive data.
A reference to a physical YubiKey.