All Classes and Interfaces
Webauthn AttestationObject which exposes attestation authenticator data.
Webauthn AttestedCredentialData structure
Webauthn AuthenticatorData class
A "basic" WebAuthn client implementation which wraps a YubiKeySession.
Provides canonical CBOR encoding and decoding.
An error thrown by the WebAuthn client upon failure to complete a command.
Client error types
Implements Client PIN commands.
Implements Config commands.
Provides Credential management on the CTAP level.
A data class representing a stored credential.
CTAP2 Credential Management Metadata object.
A data class representing an RP for which one or more credentials may be stored.
Provides management of resident key type credentials, which are stored on a YubiKey.
Implements CTAP 2.1
Data class holding the result of getAssertion.
Data class holding the result of makeCredential.
Data object containing the information readable form a YubiKey using the getInfo command.
The request generated multiple assertions, and a choice must be made by the user.
A subclass of
used by BasicWebAuthnClient
to indicate that makeCredential or
getAssertion was called with an invalid PIN.A subclass of
used by BasicWebAuthnClient
to indicate that makeCredential or
getAssertion was called without a PIN even though a PIN is required to complete the operation.Implements a dummy PIN/UV Auth Protocol
A PIN/UV auth protocol (aka pinUvAuthProtocol) ensures that PINs are encrypted when sent to an
authenticator and are exchanged for a pinUvAuthToken that serves to authenticate subsequent
Implements PIN/UV Auth Protocol 1
Implements PIN/UV Auth Protocol 2
A ClientError indicating that UserEntity information isn't available for assertions returned by the Authenticator.
The USER_VERIFY constants are flags in a bitfield represented as a 32 bit long integer.