Package com.yubico.yubikit.oath

@PackageNonnullByDefault package com.yubico.yubikit.oath
  • Class
    Allows the implementation of custom backends to unlock an OathSession.
    Base32 implementation of RFC4684, section 6
    A one-time OATH code, calculated from a Credential stored in a YubiKey.
    A reference to an OATH Credential stored on a YubiKey.
    Data object holding all required information to add a new Credential to a YubiKey.
    Supported hash algorithms for use with the OATH YubiKey application.
    Communicates with the OATH application on a YubiKey.
    Supported OATH variants for use with the OATH YubiKey application.
    Thrown when an OATH otpauth:// URI couldn't be parsed.