Class AuthenticatorTransport

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    com.yubico.internal.util.json.JsonStringSerializable, java.lang.Comparable<AuthenticatorTransport>

    public final class AuthenticatorTransport
    extends java.lang.Object
    implements java.lang.Comparable<AuthenticatorTransport>, com.yubico.internal.util.json.JsonStringSerializable
    Authenticators may communicate with Clients using a variety of transports. This enumeration defines a hint as to how Clients might communicate with a particular Authenticator in order to obtain an assertion for a specific credential. Note that these hints represent the Relying Party's best belief as to how an Authenticator may be reached. A Relying Party may obtain a list of transports hints from some attestation statement formats or via some out-of-band mechanism; it is outside the scope of this specification to define that mechanism.

    Authenticators may implement various transports for communicating with clients. This enumeration defines hints as to how clients might communicate with a particular authenticator in order to obtain an assertion for a specific credential. Note that these hints represent the WebAuthn Relying Party's best belief as to how an authenticator may be reached. A Relying Party may obtain a list of transports hints from some attestation statement formats or via some out-of-band mechanism; it is outside the scope of the Web Authentication specification to define that mechanism.

    See Also:
    ยง5.10.4. Authenticator Transport Enumeration (enum AuthenticatorTransport)
    • Field Detail

      • USB

        public static final AuthenticatorTransport USB
        Indicates the respective authenticator can be contacted over removable USB.
      • NFC

        public static final AuthenticatorTransport NFC
        Indicates the respective authenticator can be contacted over Near Field Communication (NFC).
      • BLE

        public static final AuthenticatorTransport BLE
        Indicates the respective authenticator can be contacted over Bluetooth Smart (Bluetooth Low Energy / BLE).
      • INTERNAL

        public static final AuthenticatorTransport INTERNAL
        Indicates the respective authenticator is contacted using a client device-specific transport. These authenticators are not removable from the client device.
    • Method Detail

      • valueOf

        public static AuthenticatorTransport valueOf​(java.lang.String name)
        If name equals "USB", "NFC", "BLE" or "INTERNAL", returns the constant by that name.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if name is anything else.
        See Also:
      • toJsonString

        public java.lang.String toJsonString()
        Use getId() instead.
        Specified by:
        toJsonString in interface com.yubico.internal.util.json.JsonStringSerializable
      • getId

        public @NonNull java.lang.String getId()
      • equals

        public boolean equals​(java.lang.Object o)
        equals in class java.lang.Object
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class java.lang.Object
      • toString

        public java.lang.String toString()
        toString in class java.lang.Object