All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary
Class |
Description |
AppId |
A FIDO AppID verified to be syntactically valid.
AssertionExtensionInputs |
AssertionExtensionInputs.AssertionExtensionInputsBuilder |
AssertionFailedException |
AssertionRequest |
AssertionRequest.AssertionRequestBuilder |
AssertionRequest.AssertionRequestBuilder.MandatoryStages |
AssertionResult |
AttestationConveyancePreference |
Relying Parties may use this to specify their preference regarding attestation conveyance during
credential generation.
AttestationObject |
Authenticators MUST provide some form of attestation.
AttestationTrustSource |
Abstraction of a repository which can look up trust roots for authenticator attestation.
AttestationTrustSource.TrustRootsResult |
A result of looking up attestation trust roots for a particular attestation statement.
AttestationTrustSource.TrustRootsResult.TrustRootsResultBuilder |
AttestationTrustSource.TrustRootsResult.TrustRootsResultBuilder.Step1 |
AttestationType |
Web Authentication supports several attestation types, defining the semantics of attestation
statements and their underlying trust models.
AttestedCredentialData |
Attested credential data is a variable-length byte array added to the authenticator data when
generating an attestation object for a given credential.
AuthenticatorAssertionExtensionOutputs |
AuthenticatorAssertionExtensionOutputs.AuthenticatorAssertionExtensionOutputsBuilder |
AuthenticatorAssertionResponse |
AuthenticatorAssertionResponse.AuthenticatorAssertionResponseBuilder |
AuthenticatorAssertionResponse.AuthenticatorAssertionResponseBuilder.MandatoryStages |
AuthenticatorAttachment |
AuthenticatorAttestationResponse |
Represents the authenticator's response to a client's request for the creation of a new public
key credential.
AuthenticatorAttestationResponse.AuthenticatorAttestationResponseBuilder |
AuthenticatorAttestationResponse.AuthenticatorAttestationResponseBuilder.MandatoryStages |
AuthenticatorData |
The authenticator data structure is a byte array of 37 bytes or more.
AuthenticatorDataFlags |
The flags bit field of an authenticator data structure, decoded as a high-level object.
AuthenticatorExtensionOutputs |
AuthenticatorRegistrationExtensionOutputs |
AuthenticatorRegistrationExtensionOutputs.AuthenticatorRegistrationExtensionOutputsBuilder |
AuthenticatorResponse |
Authenticators respond to Relying Party requests by returning an object derived from the AuthenticatorResponse interface.
AuthenticatorSelectionCriteria |
This class may be used to specify requirements regarding authenticator attributes.
AuthenticatorSelectionCriteria.AuthenticatorSelectionCriteriaBuilder |
AuthenticatorTransport |
Authenticators may communicate with Clients using a variety of transports.
Base64UrlException |
ByteArray |
An immutable byte array with support for encoding/decoding to/from various encodings.
ClientAssertionExtensionOutputs |
ClientAssertionExtensionOutputs.ClientAssertionExtensionOutputsBuilder |
ClientExtensionOutputs |
ClientRegistrationExtensionOutputs |
ClientRegistrationExtensionOutputs.ClientRegistrationExtensionOutputsBuilder |
CollectedClientData |
The client data represents the contextual bindings of both the Relying Party and the client.
COSEAlgorithmIdentifier |
A number identifying a cryptographic algorithm.
CredentialRepository |
An abstraction of the database lookups needed by this library.
DocumentStatus |
A representation of Web Authentication specification document statuses.
ExtensionInputs |
ExtensionOutputs |
Extensions |
Definitions for WebAuthn extensions.
Extensions.Appid |
Definitions for the FIDO AppID Extension (appid ).
Extensions.AppidExclude |
Definitions for the 10.2.
Extensions.CredentialProperties |
Definitions for the Credential Properties Extension (credProps ).
Extensions.CredentialProperties.CredentialPropertiesOutput |
Extension outputs for the Credential Properties Extension (credProps ).
Extensions.LargeBlob |
Definitions for the Large blob storage extension (largeBlob ).
Extensions.LargeBlob.LargeBlobAuthenticationInput |
Extension inputs for the Large blob storage extension (largeBlob ) in
authentication ceremonies.
Extensions.LargeBlob.LargeBlobAuthenticationOutput |
Extension outputs for the Large blob storage extension (largeBlob ) in
authentication ceremonies.
Extensions.LargeBlob.LargeBlobRegistrationInput |
Extension inputs for the Large blob storage extension (largeBlob ) in
registration ceremonies.
Extensions.LargeBlob.LargeBlobRegistrationInput.LargeBlobSupport |
The known valid arguments for the Large blob storage extension (largeBlob )
input in registration ceremonies.
Extensions.LargeBlob.LargeBlobRegistrationOutput |
Extension outputs for the Large blob storage extension (largeBlob ) in
registration ceremonies.
Extensions.Uvm |
Definitions for the User Verification Method (uvm ) Extension.
Extensions.Uvm.UvmEntry |
A uvmEntry as defined in §10.3.
FinishAssertionOptions |
FinishAssertionOptions.FinishAssertionOptionsBuilder |
FinishAssertionOptions.FinishAssertionOptionsBuilder.MandatoryStages |
FinishRegistrationOptions |
FinishRegistrationOptions.FinishRegistrationOptionsBuilder |
FinishRegistrationOptions.FinishRegistrationOptionsBuilder.MandatoryStages |
HexException |
Implementation |
Description of this version of this library
InvalidAppIdException |
InvalidSignatureCountException |
KeyProtectionType |
The KEY_PROTECTION constants are flags in a bit field represented as a 16 bit long integer.
MatcherProtectionType |
The MATCHER_PROTECTION constants are flags in a bit field represented as a 16 bit long integer.
PublicKeyCredential<A extends AuthenticatorResponse,B extends ClientExtensionOutputs> |
The PublicKeyCredential interface inherits from Credential [CREDENTIAL-MANAGEMENT-1], and contains
the attributes that are returned to the caller when a new credential is created, or a new
assertion is requested.
PublicKeyCredential.PublicKeyCredentialBuilder<A extends AuthenticatorResponse,B extends ClientExtensionOutputs> |
PublicKeyCredentialCreationOptions |
Parameters for a call to navigator.credentials.create() .
PublicKeyCredentialCreationOptions.PublicKeyCredentialCreationOptionsBuilder |
PublicKeyCredentialCreationOptions.PublicKeyCredentialCreationOptionsBuilder.MandatoryStages |
PublicKeyCredentialDescriptor |
The attributes that are specified by a caller when referring to a public key credential as an
input parameter to the navigator.credentials.create() or
navigator.credentials.get() methods.
PublicKeyCredentialDescriptor.PublicKeyCredentialDescriptorBuilder |
PublicKeyCredentialDescriptor.PublicKeyCredentialDescriptorBuilder.MandatoryStages |
PublicKeyCredentialEntity |
Describes a user account, or a WebAuthn Relying Party, which a public key credential is
associated with or scoped to, respectively.
PublicKeyCredentialParameters |
Used to supply additional parameters when creating a new credential.
PublicKeyCredentialParameters.PublicKeyCredentialParametersBuilder |
PublicKeyCredentialParameters.PublicKeyCredentialParametersBuilder.MandatoryStages |
PublicKeyCredentialRequestOptions |
The PublicKeyCredentialRequestOptions dictionary supplies get() with the data it needs to
generate an assertion.
PublicKeyCredentialRequestOptions.PublicKeyCredentialRequestOptionsBuilder |
PublicKeyCredentialRequestOptions.PublicKeyCredentialRequestOptionsBuilder.MandatoryStages |
PublicKeyCredentialType |
Defines the valid credential types.
RegisteredCredential |
An abstraction of a credential registered to a particular user.
RegisteredCredential.RegisteredCredentialBuilder |
RegisteredCredential.RegisteredCredentialBuilder.MandatoryStages |
RegistrationExtensionInputs |
RegistrationExtensionInputs.RegistrationExtensionInputsBuilder |
RegistrationFailedException |
RegistrationResult |
RelyingParty |
Encapsulates the four basic Web Authentication operations - start/finish registration,
start/finish authentication - along with overall operational settings for them.
RelyingParty.RelyingPartyBuilder |
RelyingParty.RelyingPartyBuilder.MandatoryStages |
RelyingPartyIdentity |
Used to supply additional Relying Party attributes when creating a new credential.
RelyingPartyIdentity.RelyingPartyIdentityBuilder |
RelyingPartyIdentity.RelyingPartyIdentityBuilder.MandatoryStages |
ResidentKeyRequirement |
This enumeration's values describe the Relying Party's requirements for client-side discoverable
credentials (formerly known as resident credentials or resident keys):
Specification |
Reference to a particular version of a specification document.
StartAssertionOptions |
StartAssertionOptions.StartAssertionOptionsBuilder |
StartRegistrationOptions |
StartRegistrationOptions.StartRegistrationOptionsBuilder |
StartRegistrationOptions.StartRegistrationOptionsBuilder.MandatoryStages |
TokenBindingInfo |
TokenBindingStatus |
Indicators of whether a TokenBindingInfo 's id member is
present and, if not, whether the client supports token binding.
UserIdentity |
Describes a user account, with which public key credentials can be associated.
UserIdentity.UserIdentityBuilder |
UserIdentity.UserIdentityBuilder.MandatoryStages |
UserVerificationMethod |
The USER_VERIFY constants are flags in a bitfield represented as a 32 bit long integer.
UserVerificationRequirement |
A WebAuthn Relying Party may require user
verification for some of its operations but not for others, and may use this type to express
its needs.
VersionInfo |
Contains version information for the com.yubico.webauthn package.