u2f-authenticate [-h] [-v] [-c] [-i INFILE] [-o OUTFILE] [-s SOFT] facet
Signs a U2F challenge using an attached U2F device. Takes a JSON formatted AuthenticationRequest object on stdin, and returns the result on stdout.
u2f-authenticate has the following options:
-h, --help
Shows a list of available sub commands and arguments. |
-v, --version
Shows the program’s version number and exits. |
-i, --infile FILENAME
A file to read registration data from, instead of stdin. |
-o, --outfile FILENAME
A file to write output to, instead of stdout. |
-r, --check
Perform the request as a check-only. |
-s, --soft FILENAME
A file to use as a soft U2F token. |
The facet of the U2F challenge. |
Report bugs in the issue tracker (https://github.com/Yubico/python-u2flib-host/issues)