Getting Started

Learn how to get started with enterprise attestation, including procuring EA enabled security keys, needs for a relying party, and how to quickly test using a custom client application

In this section we are going to dive into what is required in order to enable enterprise attestation (EA) in your environment. There are a few different aspects that need to be understood, and enabled as there are inherent differences from a traditional WebAuthn protected ecosystem. We will cover authenticators, clients and browsers, and applications.

Authenticators that support enterprise attestation

The first step in adopting EA is to utilize authenticators that include the feature. While EA has been included in the WebAuthn L2 specification since its release, there have not been any major vendors that have supported the feature.

Naturally the first step in the process will be to work directly with your device manufacturer to configure new authenticators with EA, if the vendor supports the feature.

Yubico will begin to offer the ability to add EA onto YubiKeys. If you are a current customer who would like to be a part of the early adopter program, please consult with your account representative for consideration.

Your relying party also needs to support EA. If you are leveraging a vendor bought solution you will need to work with the vendor to begin to enable EA from their platform. If you are leveraging an in-house built solution, then you will need to implement these features on your solution.

Vendor facilitated and platform managed strategies

Your next major determination is whether to leverage vendor facilitated, or platform managed.

Both forms will require some coordination with your vendor / device manufacturer.

Both forms will require that your authenticator can leverage enterprise attestation.

If you select vendor facilitated, then you will need to work with your vendor on the list of origins/domains which will be present on your authenticator. This means that once the keys are distributed, then EA can only be directly requested by those sites, regardless of platform.

If you select platform managed, then you will need to consider two things. The first is to ensure that you work with your vendor to come up with tools to re-enable EA, should a user disable it through a device reset. Second is to work with your platform vendor to ensure that it has the ability to manage your security policy, and can be configured and rolled out to users within your enterprise.

Browser ecosystems

The next step is to ensure that your client application is being utilized in an ecosystem that supports EA. EA is not inherently available on all ecosystems.

As it currently stands, Google Chrome is the only browser that supports EA. This is currently marked as an experimental feature, but is still offered in the production version of Chrome.

If you are an enterprise looking to deploy EA, you will need to set your internal Google Chrome package with the EA flag enabled.

Figure 1 demonstrates how to set the flag using a CLI (note the sample below targets Chrome Canary, but the feature is available in the latest version of Chrome)

$ /Applications/Google\ Chrome\\MacOS/Google\ Chrome\ Canary,

Figure 1

This can also be accomplished through the Google Chrome UI. The steps below will assist you in setting up enterprise attestation in your local instance of Chrome:

  1. Type chrome://flags into the URL browser

  2. Search for “enterprise attestation”

  3. In the row denoted as “Web Authentication Enterprise Attestation”:

    • Change the dropdown to enabled

    • Add your list of origins that will request enterprise attestation.

Relying party support

Your relying party (backend application) will need to support EA. This will include two different aspects. The first is around the attestation conveyance of your relying party. To register a new credential, your relying party will issue a PublicKeyCredentialCreationOptions to your client application. This object contains an option to request a specific type of attestation - in most cases this is direct. To support enterprise attestation, the PublicKeyCredentialCreationOptions needs to issue an attestation type of enterprise.

Figure 2 demonstrates a sample PublicKeyCredentialCreationOptions object that can be used to invoke EA.

  "rp": {
    "name": "App that supports EA",
    "id": ""
  "user": {/** */},
  "challenge": "5cdN-d6jIHShmRCeYjPHe5990bg9USk_Z7jfV0h7aQI",
  "pubKeyCredParams": {/** */},
  "excludeCredentials": {/** */},
  "authenticatorSelection": {/** */},
  "attestation": "enterprise",
  "extensions": {/** */}

Figure 2

It’s important to note a few things in Figure 2. The first is the property rp and id, This will be the RP ID that will either need to be

  • Included in your RP ID list, configured by your security key vendor

  • Included in your policy managed by your platform

Next, it’s important to set the attestation property to “enterprise”. In most cases, this value will be set to “direct”, which will provide you with “normal” attestation.

The implementation for this will look different depending on the language and framework being utilized by your relying party.

Figure 3 provides an example of how to set this option, if you are leveraging Yubico’s java-webauthn-server library.

import com.yubico.webauthn.RelyingParty;

private final RelyingParty rp = RelyingParty.builder()

Figure 3

Note how the method attestationConveyancePreference is set to a property noting the use of “enterprise”. This will ensure that any registration request coming from this relying party will denote the use of enterprise attestation, as seen in Figure 2.

Next your relying party will need a mechanism to parse the attestation statement to utilize the identifiable information (like serial number) that was returned with the attestation statement. Your application will also benefit by having access to a metadata repository (like the FIDO MDS), to verify the signed attestation statement and associate the new credential with metadata related to the authenticator it was created on. You need to ensure that the EA has a corresponding entry in your chosen metadata repository to leverage this ability.

Below are two examples of attestation objects sent by a created credential. The first will demonstrate a “normal” attestation statement. The second will demonstrate an attestation object with EA related data (serial number).

Figure 4 demonstrates an attestation object with “normal” attestation

ATTESTATION OBJECT: AttestationObject(fmt='packed', auth_data=AuthenticatorData(rp_id_hash=b'I\x96\r\xe5\x88\x0e\x8cht4\x17\x0fdv`[\x8f\xe4\xae\xb9\xa2\x862\xc7\x99\\\xf3\xba\x83\x1d\x97c', flags=65, counter=3, credential_data=AttestedCredentialData(aaguid=AAGUID(1a4360eb-a2b1-447a-b3c4-f1f27eff1d32), credential_id=b'\x8f}\xc5\xb9\x8e7\xbf\x0ew@\xc3\x06\x91\x84\xd9\xec\xec\x10\x8f\xbf\xa4\xbd\xb9K\xfe\xd0\xc7\xe0i\xf5\x11\xcf5F\xbb\xee\xe9!}:\x8d#\x1d\xb19\x0e\xf8\xe5r=\xdf\x18\xb2\x8e\xb3\x8b\xda^1\xdd\x16t\x8e9', public_key={1: 2, 3: -7, -1: 1, -2: b'\xa1Y\xd3\xbc_\xb5\xd3\x1eb\x04\x1a]Z\xab\xd3\xe4\x9b\x86\x95\x9aBw\xec\x1c\xad\xc8\x9c\x9ehQA\xf1', -3: b'Q&#\xd9\xbbd\x84\xe9\xc5<K\xde\xfb+Q\xe5\xe1\xca\x08\xf8\xb6\x14\x9b\xf0\x8dm\x93V\x15\xe0\xb5='}), extensions=None), att_stmt={'alg': -7, 'sig': b'0E\x02!\x00\xdc\xb1\ra\x9bT\x05\x119\xcf\xd3\x99\xcb\x12~,\xa1\x14i\xc8mV\x195\tC\xc5?\x82U\x93\xb1\x02 8\x19\xbf}(@\xbf8\x027\x0eD>\xb0\xcd+W\x98\x08\x0eP\x8a\x96;~\xfe\x8bM\xefQ\xe3\x08', 'x5c': [b'0\x82\x02\xce0\x82\x01\xb6\xa0\x03\x02\x01\x02\x02\t\x00\xb0\xf9\xf1\xad\x01\xdd\xa4f0\r\x06\t*\x86H\x86\xf7\r\x01\x01\x0b\x05\x000&1$0"\x06\x03U\x04\x03\x0c\x1bYubico 2022 FIDO Preview CA0\x1e\x17\r220707233233Z\x17\r230707233233Z0n1\x0b0\t\x06\x03U\x04\x06\x13\x02SE1\x120\x10\x06\x03U\x04\n\x0c\tYubico AB1"0 \x06\x03U\x04\x0b\x0c\x19Authenticator Attestation1\'0%\x06\x03U\x04\x03\x0c\x1eYubico U2F EE Serial 7708328160Y0\x13\x06\x07*\x86H\xce=\x02\x01\x06\x08*\x86H\xce=\x03\x01\x07\x03B\x00\x04\x9b\x7f\xac\x0b!\x9d\xb8\xc5\xd1\x1bj\xd5-\x80\xbe\xb3\xc8M\xa0\x19\x03\x8b\xc4\x0f\x87\x7f\xad\xf2\x13O\x0b\x9f\x06\x05\xa5\xec\xf0R\x19\xd3\x14\xad\xda\xb7\xf8@\x96\xa4K\x00\xe3\x12\xf2E\xe3H\xf5a\x19z\x9c\xf0\xc5\xd4\xa3\x81\x810\x7f0\x13\x06\n+\x06\x01\x04\x01\x82\xc4\n\r\x01\x04\x05\x04\x03\x05\x06\x000"\x06\t+\x06\x01\x04\x01\x82\xc4\n\x02\x04\x151.\x13\x06\x0b+\x06\x01\x04\x01\x82\xe5\x1c\x02\x01\x01\x04\x04\x03\x02\x0400!\x06\x0b+\x06\x01\x04\x01\x82\xe5\x1c\x01\x01\x04\x04\x12\x04\x10\x1aC`\xeb\xa2\xb1Dz\xb3\xc4\xf1\xf2~\xff\x1d20\x0c\x06\x03U\x1d\x13\x01\x01\xff\x04\x020\x000\r\x06\t*\x86H\x86\xf7\r\x01\x01\x0b\x05\x00\x03\x82\x01\x01\x00\x0fz"X\xc8C\xf8\xe3\x00\xa3,K\xf4,T3\x13jEN\x8d\x978s%3\'$Av\x0b\x00\x08\xa8\xe0C\x165(\xa1Y\x90%\xf1\x86\x86\x01\xeb)%%\xdd\x88\x0b5-\xfc\xd2\x82\x97\xf1K\xf2\xce{-i2e\xa2\x87\xdb\xaf5\x80\xeac\xcdt\xcd"u\xa7I\xc4-#$\xc1\xca\xbc\x12#AF\n\x8cc\xc9\x8aD\x8a\xabr0\xb0\xca\x9d\x00\xa9\x1eB\xd6\x0e\x0f~\xc1\x9dY\x8f\x8a6\xddY\xebk.\xda\xbdd\x93\x93sD\xf5e\xd2\xd1l\xa8\x93\xd1\xa8\xdcst\xa3W \xd4\x80v\xf6\x9d\xb7\xc4}\x9fU\xda\xfe\x19kk0\xb3\xa2\xf7q\xd7\x9czH\xc7\xe2\xf9\x90\xd0\x1a\n@J\'\x1e\xaav\x8c\xf1G\x18\xc71\x0e\x1d\x13s\xb7R\xa0\xee\xb0\xb1\xa5As\x80&\xc8.\xf6,c\xf4\x9b\x9c\xb7\x89\x84x\xddt\xb0N\x7fu\x9d\xe8\xf5cM\xacH\x97\xd8\xc0\xd49P\xcb\xe5\x92\xb8v\xdf\x02m\xf6\xaf\x83z\xac\xbc\xf8\xd0\xe8.']})

Figure 4

Figure 5 demonstrates an attestation object with enterprise attestation - Note the section below the full code sample, noting enterprise attestation, along with the device serial number.

ATTESTATION OBJECT: AttestationObject(fmt='packed', auth_data=AuthenticatorData(rp_id_hash=b'\xe4S)\xd0: h\xd1\xca\xf7\xf7\xbb\n\xe9T\xe6\xb0\xe6%\x97E\xf3/H)\xf7P\xf0P\x11\xf9\xc2', flags=65, counter=2, credential_data=AttestedCredentialData(aaguid=AAGUID(1a4360eb-a2b1-447a-b3c4-f1f27eff1d32), credential_id=b'\xaa\x0c\x9aF\x12\x904\xff\xeb}\xee\xf1p\xdb\xbc\xa3\xcf\xc32<`)\x01\x93\x16f\xac\xe8>\x91@v\x81\xf6\xeb\xf6\xd1Y\x1d\xa8\x9c\xe0\xfc\xd2Z\xc6Q\x7f$\x9b\x0f\xad;\xc5\xa5L\\\xac\xf8\xfa\xab\x81\xf1<', public_key={1: 2, 3: -7, -1: 1, -2: b'\r\xc8 \xc8\x8b\xb7\xffdc\xacS\xf1\xf4{\xe8\x8d\x97\x9ec,lv4\x9c\xfa(\xd7\x1a\xa8\x90\xb5/', -3: b'#\xf8\x12A\xe2V\xfe\x87\t\xcdQJg\xe3/|]\x9c8\xc6\xf1\xd6\x08\x10\xf9\x14\xa5\x8b\xa4\x91\x8a\xa7'}), extensions=None), att_stmt={'alg': -7, 'sig': b'0D\x02 \x16\x98\xc0ITS\xf4\xb3-\xa6m`W\xceCc,Q \xe7\x02\xb6(\xa5M\x03\xcf[\x13\x9f\xd1\x88\x02 \nkh~s\x15\xfd\xc7\xd4\xdc\x9et*9\xf1Bb\x0e\x80^XC8\xab\x80\xde\tI\xdc.\xf8\xb2', 'x5c': [b'0\x82\x02\xe50\x82\x01\xcd\xa0\x03\x02\x01\x02\x02\t\x00\xe6H\x19\xfa\xccFV\x1e0\r\x06\t*\x86H\x86\xf7\r\x01\x01\x0b\x05\x000&1$0"\x06\x03U\x04\x03\x0c\x1bYubico 2022 FIDO Preview CA0\x1e\x17\r220707233233Z\x17\r230707233233Z0m1\x0b0\t\x06\x03U\x04\x06\x13\x02SE1\x120\x10\x06\x03U\x04\n\x0c\tYubico AB1\x1f0\x1d\x06\x03U\x04\x0b\x0c\x16Enterprise Attestation1)0\'\x06\x03U\x04\x03\x0c Yubico Fido EE (Serial=19600953)0Y0\x13\x06\x07*\x86H\xce=\x02\x01\x06\x08*\x86H\xce=\x03\x01\x07\x03B\x00\x04\xd7\xbaL\xde|\x07\xc1s\xecd\x87\x88\xa76Y\xb9\xb4\xca6\xc8\xac\xd9\xd2\xa4\x1e\x00\x13\x0e!\xb6\xc1\x98\x9a\xc0C\xdd\x80\x10\xca\xa7\xb3G\xaa@p\x1aF\xd1B\x1c\xd2\xf6\x1bMe\xf7\xcd\xbc-\xa1\xed3\xdd\xd4\xa3\x81\x990\x81\x960\x13\x06\n+\x06\x01\x04\x01\x82\xc4\n\r\x01\x04\x05\x04\x03\x05\x06\x000\x15\x06\x0b+\x06\x01\x04\x01\x82\xe5\x1c\x01\x01\x02\x04\x06\x04\x04\x01+\x1690"\x06\t+\x06\x01\x04\x01\x82\xc4\n\x02\x04\x151.\x13\x06\x0b+\x06\x01\x04\x01\x82\xe5\x1c\x02\x01\x01\x04\x04\x03\x02\x0400!\x06\x0b+\x06\x01\x04\x01\x82\xe5\x1c\x01\x01\x04\x04\x12\x04\x10\x1aC`\xeb\xa2\xb1Dz\xb3\xc4\xf1\xf2~\xff\x1d20\x0c\x06\x03U\x1d\x13\x01\x01\xff\x04\x020\x000\r\x06\t*\x86H\x86\xf7\r\x01\x01\x0b\x05\x00\x03\x82\x01\x01\x00>\xdb4\xcbM\xac$@\xd8\x94\xb2q\xc3$\x9d\xf2$\x9da\x89\xf7:\x16\'\xb5*\t\xbc+\x9b\x05\xc0\x9a0\xaf@\x10\xb5r\xde\x88V\x1c!\xbfyH\xeb\xe6-%U\x1f!\'\x8c\x97z)T\xad\x19 .\xc4?\xf0\xb2\xbd\x122W\xe7\x88\xa80\x83\nN\x9c\xee\x8f\x8c\xcev\x9a\xea` \xba-\x08\xa0\xe6\x1c\x91h\x92\x06\xce\x9c\x8c\xfd\xa0\xe9\xcd\x9f\xde\x0f=\x1f\xe0\x82\xa8\x11B\xf8\xc0\x01z\xa3\x93\xfe\xfb\xbb\x9dbQ\x8f\xec0\xefn\xfa$\x9e\xd6r5\x93\xc4\xb5\xfa\xa0p~hn\xf0\xa6\xaa9\x81Z\x1fZ\xde\x88).h\x10o\xcc\x02\x1a\xaa\n9\x13J,zX\x95\xfa\xd2\x17\xdf\xcf\xd8\x8f\xb8p@-\x19\x14\xda\xfd7\xb6 S\x86\x94A25\xc0\x08*T&X\x7f\x9dp\x01T \xe0>ss43R\x8f\x0eq0\xec\x81\xdb2[p\xe0-/\xc0\x8f\nU\xce\xbaX\xf6\xb8\xe6u\x8c\x9a\x9c\xd6\xf7kx\xea^\xd9m\xc5\xd7\xbd']})
Enterprise Attestation1)0\'\x06\x03U\x04\x03\x0c Yubico Fido EE (Serial=19600953)

Figure 5

Next steps

EA is an evolving feature that Yubico is working to perfect for customer use. If you are a Yubico customer who is looking to enable EA in your WebAuthn deployment, then please begin to:

  • Reach out to your Yubico representative for consideration into our early adopter program

  • Work with partners who develop your relying party solution to enable EA in their environment

We will continue to expand on this guide as we uncover more best practices, and features within our libraries and SDKs.