$ yubihsm-auth -a put --label="default key" --derivation-password="password" --credpwd="my secret"
Credential successfully stored
YubiHSM Auth is a command-line tool for the YubiKey HSM Auth application. This is used for storing the authentication keys of a YubiHSM in a YubiKey.
This example shows how to store a new authentication key in the application, then using it with the YubiHSM.
First we store the key in a YubiKey, if options are omitted they will be asked for:
$ yubihsm-auth -a put --label="default key" --derivation-password="password" --credpwd="my secret"
Credential successfully stored
Then we authenticate with a YubiHSM (in interactive mode) using the YubiKey:
yubihsm> session ykopen 1 "default key" "my secret"
trying to connect to reader 'Yubico Yubikey 4 OTP+U2F+CCID 00 00'
Created session 0
Alternatively using the command line:
$ yubihsm-shell -a get-pseudo-random --ykhsmauth-label="default key" --password="my secret"
Session keepalive set up to run every 15 seconds
trying to connect to reader 'Yubico Yubikey 4 OTP+U2F+CCID 00 00'
Created session 0