Release Notes

  • Version 2.6.0 (released 2024-06-18)

    • piv module:

      • support for RSA3072 and RSA4096 (keys with FW 5.7+)

      • support for Ed25519 and X25519 (keys with FW 5.7+)

      • support for move/delete private key (keys with FW 5.7+)

      • support for metadata and verify extensions (Bio multi-protocol keys)

      • new verification policies PIN_OR_MATCH_ONCE/ALWAYS (Bio multi-protocol keys)

    • general updates:

      • updated build dependencies and libraries

  • Version 2.5.0 (released 2024-03-25)

    • fido module:

      • added support for authenticatorBioEnrollment

      • fixed setMinPinLength implementation

      • fixed handling of UserVerificationRequirement.DISCOURAGED

    • management module:

      • deprecated constructors of DeviceInfo

      • added DeviceInfo.Builder which replaces deprecated constructors

      • added support for reading all pages of YubiKey configuration

      • added support for device wide reset

    • general updates:

      • updated build dependencies and libraries

  • Version 2.4.0 (released 2023-11-21)

    • fido module (new):

      • support for WebAuthn Level 2

      • support for CTAP2.1 features: Credential Management, Client PIN, Config, Enterprise Attestation

    • openpgp module (new):

      • PIN operations: (un)verification, user and admin password management

      • key operations: import/generate, sign/verify, encrypt/decrypt

    • android module:

      • targetSdk is now 34 (Android 14)

    • core module:

      • added support for Le in APDU

      • added PublicKeyValues and PrivateKeyValues classes for unified handling of asymmetric keys

    • PIV module:

      • deprecated classes: InvalidPinException, Padding

      • deprecated methods: SlotMetadata.getPublicKey(), PivSession.generateKey(), PivSession.putKey()

  • Version 2.4.0-beta01 (released 2023-09-01)

    • core module:

      • added support for Le in APDU

      • added PublicKeyValues and PrivateKeyValues classes for unified handling of asymmetric keys

    • PIV module:

      • deprecated classes: InvalidPinException, Padding

      • deprecated methods: SlotMetadata.getPublicKey(), PivSession.generateKey(), PivSession.putKey()

    • fido module (new):

      • added initial support for WebAuthn and CTAP2

  • Version 2.3.0 (released 2023-05-29)

    • core module:

      • deprecated com.yubico.yubikit.core.Logger

      • added YubiKeyDevice.openConnection() to public API

    • android module:

      • updated code to support Android 14 behavior changes

    • PIV module:

      • implemented support for compressed certificates

    • general updates:

      • adapted for use with slf4j logging system

      • added support for building with Java 17

      • updated build dependencies and libraries

  • Version 2.2.0 (released 2023-01-17)

    • core module:

      • Added a public class containing YubiKey smartcard application ids (core.smartcard.AppId)

    • android module:

      • Added SmartCardConnection.getAtr() and USB and NFC implementations for getting ATR and ATS

      • Updated dependency versions, compile and build with latest SDKs

      • Bug fixes related to Android 13

      • Bug fixes related to communication over NFC

      • All library resources are now prefixed with yubikit_ prefix (thanks to @ajarl for contribution)

      • Library resources which are available to override by clients are explicitly marked as public

    • support module:

      • Added a helper method NfcYubiKeyDevice.isYubiKey() for probing NFC devices

      • Updated DeviceUtil.getName() to supports additional hardware security keys by Yubico

    • AndroidDemo module:

      • bug fixes and improvements

  • Version 2.1.0 (released 2022-07-25)

    • Added a new support module with utility functions for getting device information/metadata.

    • PIV:

      • Added a JCA Provider implementation.

      • Added Slot getStringAlias and fromStringAlias methods.

    • OATH:

      • Fixed OathSession.calculateCodes so that it never triggers touch.

    • Management:

      • DeviceInfo now provides isFips and isSky properties.

    • Deprecations (will be removed in 3.0.0):

      • PivSession.sign has been deprecated in favor of using the JCA Provider.

      • OathSession.hasAccessKey has been deprecated and replaced with OathSession.isAccessKeySet.

      • UsbInterface in the management module has been deprecated, replaced with UsbInterface in the core module.

    • Added testing-android module which can run tests on physical devices

      • currently Piv and Piv Jca tests are implemented

    • Bug fixes and improvements

  • Version 2.1.0-alpha.1 (released 2022-06-01)

    • Public preview of 2.1.0

  • Version 2.0.0 (released 2021-04-01)

    • BACKWARDS INCOMPATIBLE: Major structural overhaul from 1.0.

    • The yubikit module is replaced by the core and android modules.

    • The otp module had been renamed to yubiotp.

    • Several classes have been renamed and/or moved.

    • Connection handling is now asynchronous.

  • Version 2.0.0-beta02 (released 2021-02-24)

    • Connection handling is now asynchronous.

    • YubiKitManager listeners have been replaced with more generic Callbacks.

    • Release artifacts are compiled to run on Java 8.

  • Version 2.0.0-beta01 (released 2020-12-07)

    • Public preview of 2.0.0, a major restructuring of modules.

  • Version 1.0.0 (released 2020-06-10)

    • Documentation improvements.

    • Removal of unused code and properties.

    • Dependencies updated.

    • yubikit: ATR is read upon opening an Iso7816Connection (USB).

    • otp: The KeyListener interface is no longer public.

  • Version 1.0.0-beta06 (released 2020-05-08)

    • Various naming changes to classes and methods to better represent what they do.

    • Various additional refactorings and minor changes to improve readability and consistency.

    • Make the NFC backend extensible so that it can be customized to provide better compatibility.

    • Restructure Exception classes to be more consistent.

    • OATH module improvements.

    • OTP module improvements.

    • QR code functionality moved to the demo application.

    • FIDO2 module removed.

    • Smartcard demo removed.

  • Version 1.0.0-beta05 (released 2020-03-31)

    • yubikit: Provides callback to users on whether permissions (for USB plug-in device) from user were accepted or denied.

    • yubikit: Provides configurations mechanism for NFC discovery (e.g. play sound, read NDEF tag, etc.).

    • otp: Provides API to parse YubiOTP from URI.

    • otp: Supports other keyboard layouts for YubiOTP data (static passwords).

    • oath: Fixing parsing issues of OATH credentials (for accounts that have empty issuer or contain “/” or “:”).

    • piv: Fixing PIV signing (issue with RSA PKCS1.15 padding).

    • fido: Allow launching of FIDO intents from fragment as well as from activity.

  • Version 1.0.0-beta04 (released 2020-02-06)

    • Added YubiKey configuration capabilities, programming OTP slots.

    • HMAC-SHA1 challenge-response.

  • Version 1.0.0-beta03 (released 2019-10-15)

    • Making QR/play-services-vision dependency optional for OATH module.

  • Version 1.0.0-beta02 (released 2019-10-04)

    • Smart Card functionality based on the Personal Identity Verification (PIV) interface.

    • Management API to enable/disable interfaces on YubiKey.

  • Version 1.0.0-beta01 (released 2019-08-06)

    • Supports raw APDU communication with YubiKey over NFC and USB.

    • Provides high level API for OATH applet.

    • Provide FIDO2 wrappers and end-to-end demo.

    • Yubico OTP.