dependencies {
implementation "com.yubico.yubikit:android:(insert version here)"
implementation "com.yubico.yubikit:openpgp:(insert version here)"
The OpenPGP module enables key and PIN management, as well as execution of signing, verification, encryption, decryption, and authentication operations on supported YubiKeys. The features support depends on the YubiKey firmware version, refer to for details. The OpenPGP card specification can be found at
To add the OpenPGP module, along with the android module as a dependencies to your project, add the following to your gradle configuration:
dependencies {
implementation "com.yubico.yubikit:android:(insert version here)"
implementation "com.yubico.yubikit:openpgp:(insert version here)"
This module depends on the core module, which will automatically be added as a transitive dependency to your project.
To communicate with the OpenPGP application on a YubiKey, use the OpenPgpSession class. You will need a SmartCardConnection to a YubiKey:
OpenPgpSession openpgp = new OpenPgpSession(smartCardConnection));
// OpenPGP functionality needs to be unlocked by verifying user or admin PIN depending on the operation
byte[] message = "hello".getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
PublicKey publicKey = openpgp.generateRsaKey(KeyRef.SIG, 4096).toPublicKey();
// signature
openpgp.verifyUserPin(userPin, false);
byte[] signature = openpgp.sign(message);
Signature verifier = Signature.getInstance("NONEwithRSA");
assert verifier.verify(signature);
// decryption
publicKey = openpgp.generateRsaKey(KeyRef.DEC, 4096).toPublicKey();
Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("RSA/ECB/PKCS1Padding");
cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, publicKey);
byte[] cipherText = cipher.doFinal(message);
openpgp.verifyUserPin(userPin, true);
byte[] decrypted = openpgp.decrypt(cipherText);
Assert.assertArrayEquals(message, decrypted);
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